
  • 网络fire-retardant paint
  1. 介绍建筑钢结构的防锈底漆、面漆、防火漆。

    The paper introduces the rust preventing primer , face paint and fire-retarding paint for building steel structure .

  2. 目的:观察舰艇用防火漆热解气小鼠急性吸入毒性。

    Objective : To observe the acute inhalation toxicity of the pyrolized gas of the fireproof lacquer used in ships .

  3. 本文较全面地介绍了在空间钢结构上适用的防锈底漆、面漆、防火漆的基础理论以及实际应用现状。

    Abstract This paper introduces the theoretical foundation and actual application status of anti corrosive primers , finish coatings and fire proofing coatings applied on space steel structures in detail .