
fánɡ kōnɡ bù duì
  • Air Defense Unit;antiaircraft forces
  1. 防空部队开炮,击中了两架敌机。

    The anti-aircraft units opened fire and hit two of the enemy planes .

  2. 这些部队中包括精锐的阿尔法小组(spetsnaz)特种部队、装甲旅、以及炮兵和防空部队。

    Those present include elite spetsnaz forces , armoured brigades and artillery and anti-aircraft units .

  3. 论文根据防空部队人工决策指挥过程和功能模型,利用Petri网对其决策组织结构进行了研究探讨,并提出了一种复合式防空C3I决策组织结构的Petri网模型。

    This paper analyzes the process and function model of manual decision of aerial army , researches the deci-sion structure on Petri net , and at the same time , brings forward the model of composite decision structure for aerial defence C ~ 3I system on Petri net .

  4. 这个中队由高度机动的反坦克和防空部队保卫。

    The squadron was protected by a highly mobile anti-tank and air defense .

  5. 目前,我国防空部队夜间作战仍主要靠雷达来探测目标。

    These days , our air defense forces mainly rely on radars to detect targets while fighting at night .

  6. 防空部队自动化控制系统的电子压制(一)数学模型

    The Research on Electronic Suppression in Anti-aircraft Forces ' Automatic Control System ( 1 ) The Mathematical Model Research

  7. 同时,美国联邦航空管理局还警告称,这一情况可能导致民航飞机被误当成威胁,被误认为隶属其中一个国家的防空部队。

    The FAA also warned that the situation could result a civil aircraft being misidentified as a threat and engaged by air defence forces of one of the countries .

  8. 俄罗斯空军和防空部队的无线电装置将负责监测这个区域内的所有军事和民用航空路线,包括国际航线。

    The radio unit of Russian air force and air defense forces will be in charge of monitoring all military and civil flight courses within the region , including international ones .

  9. 结合防空兵部队联合预警系统发展的需求,以定量的形式为联合预警体系的构建提供决策依据。

    It also provides the advice of establishing the joint early-warning system quantificationally .

  10. 信息化防空兵部队作战能力评估包括信息、火力、机动、防护和指挥等5个战斗能力要素。

    The evaluation of the combat capability of the informatization-antiaircraft forces includes 5 factors , such as information , firepower , mobility , protection capability and command .

  11. 整个仿真软件完成,为防空兵部队的雷达号手提供了一种干扰训练平台,对于提高防空兵的电子战能力有很大的促进。

    In conclusion the simulation software of air defense radar jamming provided a platform for radar jamming training and would promote electronic warfare ability of air defense forces .

  12. 低空红外预警系统采用被动方式探测目标,不易受到电磁干扰,可极大提高防空兵部队的夜间作战能力。

    The infrared low-attitude early-warning system , which uses the passive mode to detect the target , can resist the Electro Magnetic Interference ( EMI ) . This system can greatly improve the nights fighting ability of the aerial defend army .

  13. 靶弹系统建设对于防空兵器试验和部队作战训练具有重要的作用。

    The construction of missile target system plays an important role in air defense weapon test and army battle and training .

  14. Air(初三适用)根据防空系统的任务和规模(国土防空、部队战场防空、海上舰队防空)以及入侵方式、武器性能特点的不同。

    According to the difference of the air defense system 's task and scale and the invaded way , the characteristics of weapon .

  15. 在未来防空作战中,反战术弹道导弹(TBM)是防空导弹部队担负的重要作战任务。

    It is the important task for the troops of ground-to-air missile to intercept the TBM in the future air defense war .

  16. 该评估引入打分法,通过给出的防空信息战作战效能分数值,以比较处于同一评语的不同防空部队的信息战作战效能优劣。

    Through comparing the efficiency of different air defense army in information with the marking way , the model can give the different campaign grade of air defense army in information battlefield .

  17. 在未来的防空作战中如何以最小的经济耗费达到最大的作战效能,对于提高防空兵部队战斗力和完善弹炮结合作战理论具有十分重要的意义。

    In the future air defense warfare , how to get the largest efficiency using the least money is a question that is very important to improving the battle effectiveness of the air defense forces and consummating the theory of the hybrid of missile and artillery .