
zǔ ní
  • damping
阻尼 [zǔ ní]
  • [damping] [物]∶物体在运动过程中受各种阻力的影响,能量逐渐衰减而运动减弱的现象

  1. t也不应该做得比需要的更大,因为修正装置阻尼过大将使陀螺在修正过程中偏离垂线过多。

    T should not be made larger than necessary since excessive erector damping causes the gyro to overshoot the vertical during erection .

  2. 利用超声法研究了粉末冶金工艺制备6066Al/SiCp复合材料的阻尼特性。

    The damping property of the metal matrix composite 6066Al / SiC_p fabricated by the powder metallurgy technique is studied with the ultrasonic method .

  3. 高阻尼无加强U形减振波纹管研究

    Research for High-damping Unreinforced U-shaped Vibration Reducing Bellows

  4. 低损耗可控阻尼两级LC输入滤波器设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of Two-Stage LC Input Filters with Low Loss and Controlled Damping

  5. 使用直接神经动态规划方法的SVC附加阻尼控制

    SVC supplementary damping control using direct neural dynamic programming

  6. 建立了精镗孔挤压液膜阻尼减振系统的动力学模型,运用MATLAB语言编程,对精镗孔挤压液膜阻尼减振系统进行了模拟计算分析。

    Setting up a dynamics model of damping system of damper , and programming with the MATLAB language to calculate and analyze the damping system .

  7. 阻尼系数对Gd(2.34)Tb(0.66)Fe5O(12)饱和磁场和磁畴结构的影响

    The Effect of Damping Coefficient on the Saturated Magnetization Field and Configuration of Domain Structures

  8. 离心铸造过共晶Al-Si合金自生梯度复合材料及其阻尼性能

    In situ gradient composite of hypereutectic Al-Si alloy by centrifugal casting and its damping property

  9. TCSC阻尼系统低频振荡的控制策略分析

    The control method analysis of TCSC in damping low-frequency oscillation

  10. 随着复合材料中PZT压电陶瓷粉含量的增加,复合材料的阻尼性能增加;

    Along with compound material in PZT piezoelectricity ceramics powder content increase , compound material damping performance increase ;

  11. 用SEM研究了不同组分对胶粘剂微观形貌的影响,用DMA研究了聚丙烯酸酯的改性对胶粘剂的阻尼性能的影响。

    Influence of different composition on adhesive micromorphology was studied by SEM and addition of polyacrylate on damping performance by DMA .

  12. 研究了自适应统一潮流控制器(UPFC)模糊逻辑辅助阻尼控制器的设计方法。

    In this paper , an adaptive fuzzy-logic damping control scheme is proposed for unified power flow controller ( UPFC ) .

  13. 用于阻尼互联系统区域间振荡的TCSC控制器设计

    TCSC controller design for damping interarea oscillation

  14. Langmuir波向短波转换,从而被强烈阻尼是抑制SRS的重要机制。

    Langmuir wave conversion to more strongly dam-ped waves appear to be important to suppress SRS .

  15. 由多机系统表达式,可以确定出PSS直接提供的阻尼转矩的解析表达。

    From the generalized multimachine representation , the electrical torque provided directly by PSS can be analytically represented .

  16. 将所提出的MR阻尼器不对称滞环模型应用在二自由度四分之一汽车模型,并用空挂控制律来实现对MR阻尼器阻尼力的自动调节。

    The proposed asymmetric model of an MR-damper is employed in a 2-DOF " quarter-car " model , and the " skyhook " control law is applied to implement variable damping deduced from the MR-damper .

  17. 加阻尼的Winkler地基上多块板的动力分析

    The Analyse of Multiple Slabs on the Winkler Foundation with Dampers Subjected to Dynamic Load

  18. 采用时域仿真与小扰动分析方法,分析不同的负荷特性对系统阻尼以及对PSS参数整定的影响;

    The paper uses Time-Domain simulations and Small-Signal analysis to show that different load characteristics have different influences on system damping .

  19. 然而,LT&TMD比传统的TMD具有更大的最优调谐频率比和更小的最优阻尼比。

    However , LT-TMD needs higher optimum tuning frequency ratio and lesser optimum damper ratio with reference to traditional TMD .

  20. 利用软钢的双线性本构关系,依据经典力学原理推导建立了X形和三角形钢板阻尼器的阻尼力滞回模型。

    Based on double linear constitutive model of mild steel , damping force hysteresis loop models of the X-type and the triangle type mild steel dampers are derived from classic mechanical principle directly .

  21. 小阻尼简谐激励Mathieu方程的周期稳定性

    Steadiness of harmonic exciting Mathieu equation with small damping

  22. 指出:室温下Al/SiC复合材料的阻尼主要是由增强颗粒与基体材料间弹性模量的不同造成的。

    From the results , it was concluded that the damping of the composite Al / SiC was mainly generated from the differences of elastic module between the enhanced particles and matrix under room temperature .

  23. 结果表明,逆变侧交流系统的强度以及逆变站控制方式对SSO阻尼有显著的影响。

    The result shows that both AC bus strength and the control mode of inverter side have a remarkable effect on SSO damping .

  24. 首先,用近场波动数值模拟解耦技术求得在短时脉冲作用下采用Rayleigh阻尼系统的时域解;

    First , the time domain solution of the system with Rayleigh damping excited by a short time impulse is obtained by the decoupling numerical simulation technique of near field wave motion .

  25. 并运用负阻抗变换器的负阻作用对现有的LC阻尼振荡实验进行了改进并给出了具体的电路,使实验结果更加多样化。

    Dynatron effect of negative impedance converter has been employed to improve the existing LC damping surge experiment and an idiographic electrical circuit has been given to make the results of experiment diverse .

  26. ITD(IbrahimTimeDomain)模态识别方法可不用输入系统的信息就识别系统的模态参数,但识别的模态参数常常很不精确,且阻尼比的识别精度很差。

    ITD ( Ibrahim Time Domain ) method can identify structural modal parameters without structural input information , but results of ITD identification are often inaccurate and damping factors of ITD identification are very bad .

  27. 针对交直流联合输电系统中直流线路与交流线路非并联运行的情况,本文为HVDC换流站设计了附加控制器以阻尼交流系统中区域间的功率振荡。

    A nonlinear auxiliary controller for HVDC converters in AC / DC power systems , where the AC and DC lines are not in parallel connection , was developed to damp inter-area oscillations .

  28. 具有阻尼耗散的DNLS方程的孤立子解析解

    Analytical solitary solutions to DNLS equation with damping and dispersion

  29. 饱和砂剪切模量和阻尼比在GZ-1型共振柱仪上的测定

    Determination of Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio for Saturated Sand by GZ-1 Resonant-Column Apparatus

  30. 通过数值模拟,还观察到了在非零温时BEC和外部非凝聚气体相互作用对BEC振荡的阻尼作用。

    The numerical simulation showed that the collective BEC oscillations are damped by the interaction of the BEC and the noncondensate Bose gas at a nonzero temperature .