- 名Aztecs

The Aztecs immolated human victims .
Though they were eventually replaced with the easier-to-use bow and arrow , the atlatl stood the test of time , being used by the Aztecs even as late as the 1500s .
After all , pre-Aztec and Aztec peoples domesticated the turkey more than a millennium before Columbus reached the New World ( the Aztecs called the bird huehxolotl ) .
However , it is the Aztecs who helped launch the modern chewing gum craze .
Chocolate and the cocoa beans used to make it were highly prized by the Aztecs .
The Aztecs also cultivated the avocado
The Mayan pyramids and Aztec Sun Calendar both stand testimony to the splendor of your ancient civilization .
We leave in the distant past , when America dominated the powerful and numerous tribe of the Aztecs .
However much the Aztecs valued chocolate , its bitter taste was not to the liking of the Europeans .
The Aztec and Mayans decorated the pyramids and temples with brightly painted sculptural reliefs and large frescoes or mythical animals .
You can to whale on the Azecs as well although apparently you may not get as lucky as the Spanish did .
A16th-century Aztec mosaic of a double-headed serpent ( pictured above ) exemplifies the way cultures have long been connected through the movement of people and ideas .
Both the Mayans and Aztecs believed the cacao bean had magical , or even divine , properties , suitable for use in the most sacred rituals of birth , marriage and death .
And tongue piercing was first practiced as part of rituals in ancient tribes , such as the Aztecs and Mayas . They did this to draw blood to prepare them for the gods .
Stretching over nearly 2m km2 , and with a history that goes back to the Aztecs and ancient Mayans , Mexico is a place of endless fascination .
This truly titanic event is now known as endosymbiosis.While several forms of cyanobacteria are toxic , a species named Spirulina was an important food source for the Aztecs and eaten regularly by many Asian nations .