
  • 网络archie;Archies Formula;Archie's formulas
  1. 浅谈阿尔奇公式中饱和度指数(n)的测定方法

    The Measuring Methods for the Saturation Exponent ( n ) in Archie Equation

  2. 油层低电阻率及阿尔奇公式中各参数的岩电实验研究

    Low Reservoir Resistivity and Litho-electric Experiment of Each Parameter in Archie Equation

  3. 阿尔奇公式与储层孔隙结构的关系

    Relations between archie 's formula and reservoir pore structure

  4. 阿尔奇公式数值分析及其意义

    Numerical analysis of Archie formulae and its meanings

  5. 阿尔奇公式中a,m值对饱和度计算结果的影响

    Effect of different values of a and m in Archie formula on water saturation

  6. 岩石电阻车不仅具有频散特性,而且会因频散作用而造成阿尔奇公式中各种参数的变化。

    Rock resistivity has frequency dispersion , which causes the variation of param-eters in Archie formula .

  7. 深入分析了润湿性对阿尔奇公式影响形式的复杂性问题。

    An in depth analysis is also made on how the water saturation is influenced by wettability .

  8. 根据阿尔奇公式的分析结果同逾渗理论结果一致。

    The results achieved by using the Archie formula and the percolation theory are in good accordance .

  9. 胶结指数m或阿尔奇公式中的比例系数a同样受温度影响。

    The cementation factor m or the factor a in Archie 's equation are affected by temperature too .

  10. 最后从阿尔奇公式出发,进一步分析了润湿性对电性影响的特征。

    Finally , the features of influences of wettability on electric properties are further analyzed by using the Archie formula .

  11. 同时,分析了岩石物性对阿尔奇公式中饱和度指数和电阻率指数的影响。

    At the same time , we analyze the influence of rock properties on Archie formula saturation index and resistivity index .

  12. 阿尔奇公式中a、m与渗透率的关系&毛管理论在岩石电阻率研究中的应用

    Relationship Between Permeability and Factors " a " " m " in Archie Equation-Capillary Theory in The Study of Rock Resistivity

  13. 孔隙度指数和饱和度指数为常量且其岩石物理特性能够用阿尔奇公式很好地描述的岩石。

    A rock whose petrophysical properties are well described by the Archie equation with constant values for the porosity exponent and the saturation exponent .

  14. 本文从分析阿尔奇公式出发,引出对影响储层胶结指数m的各种因素进行标定的问题;

    In light of the analysis of Archie 's formula , calibration of the factors influencing cementation exponent m is proposed in this paper .

  15. 为了在油气田开采中准确地判别油气层,根据阿尔奇公式的基本原理,探讨了用真电阻率与侵入带电阻率交会图判别油气层的方法。

    According to the principle of Archie equation , this paper puts forword the method using Rt-Ri crossing plot to discriminate oil and gas reservoir .

  16. 根据达西定律和阿尔奇公式的物理意义,由毛管电动力学和双水模型理论出发,建立了阿尔奇饱和度指数与储层渗透率、孔隙度、饱和度的相关性理论。

    According to the theory of capillary electrokinetics and dual porosity water model , the relationship between Archie saturation index and reservoir characteristics is developed .

  17. 通过铬污染土壤三因素的电阻率正交实验,结合阿尔奇公式建立了土壤电阻率与铬污染物浓度的数值关系模型。

    According to the orthogonal experiment of the three factors , the numerical model between the concentration and resistivity is established based on Archie formula .

  18. 河北沧县自来屯油田储层主要为细砂岩、粉细砂岩,粒度细,泥质含量高,以阿尔奇公式为基础的电阻率测井解释结果与储层实际含油性差别较大。

    The reservoir of the Zilaitun oil-field is mainly composed of fine sandstone and siltstone and characterized by small grain size and high shale content .

  19. 文章针对这一问题,利用密闭取心分析资料对阿尔奇公式中的岩石电学参数进行了刻度。

    In view of such a problem , the lithological electrical parameters in Archie formula were calibrated by use of the analysis data of sealing core drilling .

  20. 这将有助于用阿尔奇公式准确地评价低孔隙度低渗透率地层的含油气饱和度和冲洗带残余油气饱和度。

    These results are conducive to evaluation of the oil saturation in low porous and permeable formation and residual oil saturation in the flushed zones with Archie equation .

  21. 利用密闭取心饱和度分析资料确定阿尔奇公式中参数,克服了由于实验条件及样品等限制,难以求取饱和度参数的局限。

    Based on the measured saturation data from sealed core data analysis , parameters of Archie formula were obtained by means of solution of a multiple element linear equations .

  22. 通过与阿尔奇公式对比,采用“双水模型”评价油藏饱和度是该区较为有效的计算饱和度的方法。

    By comparison with Archie 's Equation , it is indicated that using " dual water model " to evaluate water saturation in reservoirs is the more effective method in this area .

  23. 本文论述测井解释油气层的理论基础,回顾了阿尔奇公式发表以来测井解释技术的发展。

    In addition to discussing the theoretical base of log interpretation in oil gas layers , the paper also looked back the developments of well log interpretation after publishing the Archie 's Formula .

  24. 与随机介质模型公式和有效介质模型公式比较,本文的修正阿尔奇公式同样可以更准确预测任意二相介质的有效电导率。

    Compare to the random medium model and the effective medium theory model , the formulas of MAL can predict the effective conductivity of any stochastic model of two-phase medium more accurately , too .

  25. 介绍了定性评价方法。在定量解释中,用S-B新模型计算含水饱和度,用曲10井的实际资料验证认为此模型比阿尔奇公式好。

    This paper presents some qualitative evaluation methods , new model S B to calculate water saturation has been used and actual data of well Qu 10 verify that this model is better than Archie formula .

  26. 应用岩电实验数据确定阿尔奇公式中a,m值时发现地层因素与孔隙度的相关性较差,通过不同的回归处理方法得到的a,m值有时相差较大,甚至出现一些异常的情况。

    If the relativity between formation factor and porosity from rock experimentation is little , the values of a and m calculated by different regression methods using the data from the same experimentation may be different .

  27. 本文以岩心实验数据为依据,提出了利用阿尔奇公式计算泥质砂岩地层的含水饱和度时,根据地层的实际泥质含量及地层水矿化度计算或选择其胶结指数和饱和度指数的方法。

    According to the data of core analysis , it is proposed that the m and n of the Archie formula must be calculated or selected with actual shaliness and water salinity of the formation while calculating water saturation with Archie Formula .

  28. 根据欧姆定律及微积分原理,推导出几种理想情况下的Archie(阿尔奇)公式,模拟分析了胶结指数以及饱和度指数的影响因素。

    The Archie formulae for some ideal rock models were derived according to the Ohm Law using the Calculus technique . The affecting factors on the cementing exponent and the saturation exponent were numerically analyzed .

  29. 简单介绍了阿尔奇地层因素公式和电阻增大系数公式的原理,总结了孔隙度与含水饱和度的乘积((?)

    This paper briefly investigated the principles of Archie formula and resistivity index , and summarized the viability of the product of porosity ■ and irreducible water saturation Swi .

  30. 阿尔奇(Archie)公式:提出背景与早期争论

    Archie 's formula : historical background and earlier debates