
  1. 阿根廷金融危机与发展中国家发展资金问题

    Discuss of Argentina Financial Crisis and the Problem of Development Fund in Developing Country

  2. 新自由主义与阿根廷金融危机

    New-Liberalism and Financial Crisis in Argentina

  3. 2001年底、2002年初爆发的阿根廷金融危机再次证实了这一点。

    The financial crisis of Argentina at the end of 2001 made these discussions more widely and popular .

  4. 贸易的缓慢增长和阿根廷金融危机的推迟解决,极大地阻碍了拉丁美洲经济的发展,尽管那里也有几个经济复苏的亮点。

    Sluggish growth in trade and the delayed resolution of the financial crisis in Argentina dragged down much of Latin America 's economy , although there are hints of recovery .

  5. 无论是1992-1993年的欧洲汇率体系危机、1994-1995年的墨西哥金融危机、1997-1998年的东南亚金融危机、1998年的俄罗斯金融危机还是2001年的阿根廷金融危机,都表现出极强的传染性。

    All of the crises , including ERM crisis in 1992-1993 , Mexican crisis in 1994-1995 , Asian crisis in 1997-1998 , Russian crisis in 1998 and Argentine crisis in 2001 , showed strong contagion effect .

  6. 阿根廷金融危机、联合爱尔兰银行外汇交易诈骗案、亚洲金融危机等的重要教训就是金融运行信息披露的透明度不够。

    The important lesson from Argentinian financial crisis , the fraud case of foreign exchange transaction in Allied Irish Banks , Asian financial crisis , etc. are about the transparency problem that the financial disclosure of information is not enough .

  7. 可以说,这次危机持续时间之长,危害之大,使得阿根廷金融危机成为20世纪末21世纪初特定历史时期中最具代表性的经济危机之一。

    The influence of this crisis lasted for so long , endangering in a wide range , which made Argentine financial crisis known as one of the most representative of economic crisis in that particular historical period at the beginning of the 21st century .

  8. 阿根廷的金融危机与资本外逃

    Financial Liberalization and Banking Crisis In Argentina

  9. 2001年阿根廷发生金融危机后,许多人不再把钱存进银行,而是把它们放进银行保管箱里。

    Many Argentineans started using safe deposit boxes instead of regular bank accounts following a2001 financial crisis .

  10. 本文首先从阿根廷债务金融危机发生的背景入手,从经济、社会、政治三个方面来具体分析,接着详细地阐述了阿根廷此次危机的过程。

    This thesis starts from the background of the Argentine debt financial crisis , and analyzes from three specific aspects , in economic , social and political levels . Then it describes the process of the crisis in Argentina in detail .

  11. 本人希望通过在此次对21世纪初阿根廷债务金融危机研究写作过程中,认真分析阿根廷危机的过程,原因及影响,以发展中国家为视角,逐渐理清我国在后货币时代经济发展的方向。

    I hope that in the writing process of this thesis , with careful analysis of the Argentine financial crisis , in the perspective of developing countries , the trend of economic development could be gradually sort out in the post-crisis era .

  12. 阿根廷与泰国金融危机的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Financial Crisis in Argentine and Thailand

  13. 2007年底,阿根廷再度爆发金融危机。

    By the end of 2007 , the Argentine financial crisis broke out again .

  14. 阿根廷爆发的金融危机再次引起人们对货币发行局制度的宏观经济效应的关注。

    Recently the Argentina Financial Crisis caused the world to focus the attention on the macroeconomic effect of currency board system .

  15. 从1997年东南亚金融危机开始,1998年俄罗斯金融危机及2000年以来的阿根廷和委内瑞拉金融危机,加大了整个世界范围内的资本市场的动荡。

    Beginning with the financial crisis in 1997 Southeast Asia , in 1998 Russia and in 2000 Argentina and Venezuela , the instability of the global capital market prevailed over every corner of the world .

  16. 阿根廷债务危机的形成及启示&阿根廷金融危机探源之二

    Causes of argentina 's debt crisis and its lessons