
  • 网络Alfred Binet
  1. 本文来自:译索网()自从1916年阿尔弗雷德·比奈(AlfredBinet)发明了智力量表,人类的智商就开始被测量。

    I.Q. scores have been measured since 1916 , when Alfred Binet developed his intelligence scale .

  2. 法国心理学家阿尔弗雷德·比奈于1905年发表了第一张标准化人类智力测试卷。

    A Frenchman , the psychologist Alfred Binet , published the first standardized test of human intelligence in 1905 .

  3. 之后皮亚杰开始对精神分析感兴趣并且在阿尔弗雷德·比奈创建的男孩研究所工作了一年。

    Piaget later developed an interest in psychoanalysis , and spent a year working at a boys'institution created by Alfred Binet .