
  • 网络Ashima;Asma;Ashma;asthma
  1. 我要买一箱阿诗玛香烟。

    I wart to buy a carton of ashima .

  2. 《阿诗玛》:流传于云南彝族中的一部民间叙事长诗。

    Ashima : a narrative folk epic current among the Yi nationality of Yunnan .

  3. 重构的结果是,《阿诗玛》再次变成了一个多异文、不确定的文本。

    As a result , Ashima once again becomes a multi Variant , uncertain text .

  4. 《阿诗玛》版本论

    Discuss on the Editions of Ashima

  5. 《阿诗玛》叙事话语的变化对民间文化研究的反思

    Reflections on Folk Cultural Studies in the Light of Change in the Narrative Discourse of ' Ashima

  6. 美丽的阿诗玛与勇敢牧羊人阿黑相爱。

    The beautiful Sani girl , ahshima , was in love with ahhei , a brave shepherd .

  7. 阿诗玛是彝族的一枝撒尼人的经典性传说。

    Ahshima is a legend of the Sani people , a branch of the Yi national minority .

  8. 改革开放后,出于发展旅游业的需要,撒尼人再次对《阿诗玛》进行了重构。

    After the reform and opening , for the need of the development of tourism , Sani people has reconstructed Ashima again .

  9. 头人的儿子软硬兼施地阿支追求阿诗玛并将她关进牢笼逼婚。

    The son of the village head ahzhi tried to force ahshima to marry him , and the girl was even put into prison .

  10. 主要产品:红塔山、阿诗玛、红梅牌号,软硬包两种规格。

    Main products are as follows : HONG TA SHAN , A SI MA , HONG MEI , including soft packing and hard packing .

  11. 叙述勤劳勇敢的姑娘阿诗玛,为追求自由婚姻,同她的阿黑哥一起,向封建统治者进行斗争的故事。

    The story is an account of the perseverance and valour of a girl named Ashima and her struggle against a feudal ruler along with her lover Ahei in pursuit of the freedom to marry .

  12. 阿诗玛是彝族的一枝撒尼人的经典性传说。由于彝族人口的不断发展,家支也在不断分化。

    " ahshima " is a legend of the Sani people , a branch of the Yi national minority . Because of the continual growth of Yi population , the clan of Yi nationality also become divided continually .

  13. 本文以电影《阿诗玛》中的插曲《马铃儿响来玉鸟唱》为例,探究这一时期云南民族题材电影歌曲的艺术特点,民族文化。

    Based on the movie " Ashima " in the episode " horse jingle bells to jade birds sing " as an example , studies the artistic features of Yunnan of this period of ethnic films song , national culture .