
  • 网络Arabica
  1. 这种真菌阻滞了阿拉比卡豆咖啡树果实的生长。

    The fungus stunts the growth of the fruit of arabica coffee plants .

  2. 在本月庆祝公司进入中国10周年的庆典上,星巴克推出了一款采用云南阿拉比卡豆的咖啡新品。

    Starbucks , marking its10-year anniversary in China this month , launched a blend that includes Arabica beans from Yunnan province .

  3. 商业上熟知的两种咖啡豆是:阿拉比卡豆和罗伯斯特豆。

    The two commercially significant species of coffee beans are : coffea arabica , and coffea robusta .

  4. 这种味道在阿拉比卡豆中比罗布斯塔豆中更明显,在冲煮好的咖啡中比磨好的咖啡粉中更容易辨认出来。

    It is more striking in arabicas than robustas and is more readily identifiable in the brew than in the ground beans .

  5. 相比之下,阿拉比卡咖啡豆则主要用于制作卡布奇诺和浓缩咖啡(espresso)。这种咖啡豆是在19世纪80年代末,由一位法国传教士引入云南的。

    Arabica , mainly used in cappuccinos and espressos , was introduced into Yunnan by a French missionary in the late 1880s .

  6. 在传统上,中国以出产芳香的茶叶而闻名。如今,中国却日渐成为阿拉比卡咖啡豆(arabica,亦称小粒咖啡)这种截然不同的饮品在亚洲的重要生产国。

    China has traditionally been famous for its fragrant teas , but the country is emerging as a key Asian producer of a different beverage : quality arabica coffee .

  7. 这听起来像个噱头,但纳吉兄弟声称CLRCFF咖啡完全是用高品质阿拉比卡咖啡豆和纯净水制成,不加任何防腐剂、人造香味剂、甜味剂或糖。

    It sounds like a gimmick , I know , but the Nagy brothers claim that CLR CFF is made solely from high-quality Arabica coffee beans and pure water , with no preservatives , artificial flavors , sweeteners or sugars added .

  8. 极品咖啡源于最好的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。

    Gourmet coffee comes from the best coffee beans of coffea arabica .

  9. 对于已经在为阿拉比卡咖啡豆价格下跌感到担忧的咖啡交易商来说,这可是个坏消息。

    This is bad news for coffee traders already fretting about the fall in arabica bean prices .

  10. 时下,人们往往依据咖啡豆生长的地区来分类,于是摩卡咖啡这一名称只限于生长在也门地区的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。

    Today , coffee beans are often classified by growing region , making the term specific to the Arabica beans grown throughout Yemen .

  11. 据专家说,死亡之愿咖啡是由罗布斯塔咖啡豆制成的。同使用高端烘焙器处理的阿拉比卡咖啡豆相比,这种咖啡豆的咖啡因含量还要多两倍。

    Death Wish Coffee is made from Robusta beans which contain ' nearly double the amount of caffeine ' than the Arabica beans used by high-end roasters , according to experts .

  12. 当阿拉比卡咖啡豆在极好的环境下有机种植一般就会产出极品咖啡。然而咖啡市场的运作并非如此。

    While Arabica coffee beans that have grown in excellent conditions under organic means will generally constitute a gourmet coffee , coffee economics have ensured that this is often not the case .

  13. 这种咖啡豆以轻巧的形体和芬芳的果香闻名于世。国际大宗商品交易商和烘焙商表示,产自中国西南省份云南省的阿拉比卡咖啡豆,已成为欧洲阿拉比卡咖啡的主要混合原料。

    Known for its light body and fruity aroma , the coffee from the southwestern province of Yunnan has become a staple of European arabica blends , say international commodity traders and roasters .