
  • 网络combined system;combined;combined sewer system
  1. 利用合流制排水沟渠处理污水是一项新技术。

    Using drainage canals in combined system to treat sewage is a new technology .

  2. 上海汉阳排水系统合流制向分流制改造方案

    On Improvement Plan from Combined System to Separate System in Shanghai Hanyang Sewerage System

  3. 结果表明,该装置处理合流制溢流污水的效果较好,对SS、COD和TP的去除率分别可达80%、75%和85%;

    The results show that the facility has good effects on the treatment of CSOs . SS , COD and TP removal rates can reach 80 % , 75 % and 85 % respectively .

  4. 为此,重点研究了上海中心城区某合流制排水区域JXB系统雨天污染物溢流的出流过程和污染物的事件平均浓度,并探讨了溢流污染物的初期效应。

    The process of pollutant overflow from the JXB sewer system and the event mean concentrations ( EMCs ) of overflows in Shanghai were studied , and the first flush effects were discussed .

  5. 新建地区排水系统应因地制宜选用分流或合流制

    Separate or Combined Drainage System to Be Adapted to Local Conditions

  6. 分流制雨水与合流制溢流水质的比较

    Sewer water quality comparison of separate discharge and combined overflow

  7. 合流制排水系统污水溢流污染控制技术进展

    Technique Development on the Pollution Control of Combined Sewer Overflows

  8. 改良式合流制在中小城镇的应用研究

    Applied Research of Reformative Combined Sewage System in Small Towns

  9. 截流式合流制排水管渠设计流量不确定性分析

    An analysis of uncertainty of the designed discharge of intercepting combined sewerage

  10. 诸暨市老城区合流制排水系统的改造

    Improvement Engineering on Combined Sewerage System in Old Urban Area of Zhuji

  11. 上海中心城区合流制排水系统调蓄池环境效应研究

    Environmental Effects of Combined Sewage Detention Tank in Central Shanghai

  12. 对传统截流式合流制的探讨与改进截流式合流制排水管网设计新思路

    Discussion on the Conventional Combined Sewerage System with Interception Facility and Its Improvement

  13. 合流制雨水泵站溢流污水消毒试验研究

    Study on the Disinfection of the Combined Sewer Overflows

  14. 复合式厌氧反应器预处理低温城市合流制污水中试

    Pilot-scale Test of Anaerobic Hybrid Reactor for Pretreatment of Low-temperature Combined Municipal Sewage

  15. 雨、污合流制城区降雨径流污染的迁移转化过程与来源研究

    Transport and Sources of Runoff Pollution from Urban Area with Combined Sewer System

  16. 合流制系统污水厂的污水总管设计方案比选沿踢脚板铺设的管道

    On Design Plan Selection of Sewage Main Pipe of Combined Sewage Treatment Works

  17. 水质调蓄池在分流、合流制排水系统中的应用

    On Application of Water Quality Storage Tank in Diffluence and Confluence of Drainage System

  18. 合流制排水系统溢流调蓄技术研究及应用实例分析

    Study of Overflow Storage technology of Combined Sewerage System and Analysis of Practical Example

  19. 合流制系统污水截流井设计规程

    Specification for design of combined sewage intercepting well

  20. 合流制溢流污水的一级化学强化处理

    Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment for Combined Sewage Overflow

  21. 如何进行老城区的合流制排水系统的改造?

    How to reform the concourse pipeline system of old areas of a city ;

  22. 本方法同样适用于合流制城市暴雨的积水计算。

    Also this method is suitable for urban storm calculation with combined sewer system .

  23. 溪流式生物接触氧化法是利用合流制排水沟渠处理污水的新技术。

    Canal biological contact oxidation process is a new technology of sewage treatment in canals .

  24. 合流制排水系统截流倍数分析

    Analysis of interception ratio of combined system

  25. 上海高密度居民区合流制系统雨天溢流水质研究

    Study on the Characteristics of Combined Sewer Overflow from the High Density Residential Area in Shanghai

  26. 介绍了设置于合流制截流井中的一种新产品&旋流限流阀。

    A new product , rotational flow-limiting valve installed in combined sewage intercepting chamber was introduced .

  27. 根据研究成果,提出合流制下水管道的优化截流比。

    From the results of the study , an optimized interception ratio of combined sewer has heen proposed .

  28. 为保护环境,节约资金,博罗旧城改造拟分期对直排式合流制排水系统进行改造。

    For protecting water environment and saving money , the combined sewer system will be remade by stages .

  29. 曝气生物滤池处理合流制污水的试验研究

    Experimental study on the influencing factors of the performance in biological aerated filter to treat the combined sewage

  30. 由于合流制存在的普遍现象,因此合流制的改造设计应得到充分的重视。

    Because it is common for concourse systems to exist , yet the reform design deserves the great concerns .