
  1. 因此,根据合理竞争精神

    So , in the spirit of justified competition

  2. 应遵循正当规制、谨慎规制、维护合理竞争三个原则。

    The government should comply with the three principles : legitimate regulation , prudent regulation , maintaining reasonable competition .

  3. 农村社会养老保险基金的运营要逐步过渡到社会化管理,通过合理竞争,提高其保值增值能力。

    The business of endowment insurance fund should transit to social management , and improve the ability of increase value .

  4. 为了更彻底地解决山西建筑行业在竞争中低迷的状态,文章从管理和目前存在的不合理竞争现象两方面进行了剖析,并提出了一些可操作性建议。

    To improve the competitiveness of the building industry of Shanxi Province , the paper suggests to strengthen managements of enterprises and regulate behaviers of enterprises in the market .

  5. 当然,最好的方法就是完全取消保护性贸易措施,或者至少限制它们在明显不合理竞争的情况下使用。

    Of course , the best way to do that would be to renounce protective trade measures altogether or at least limit their application to situations of manifestly unfair competition .

  6. 义务教育教材出版发行存在的问题主要是:义务教育教材价格过高、教材的选用机制还不够完善、教育部门介入发行市场形成不合理竞争。

    The problems of compulsory education publishing and distributing displays mainly the following aspects : the high price of compulsory education teaching materials , improper compete in the distribution market .

  7. 文章最后提出政策建议,要规范政府相关的工程咨询服务,促进专业细分市场的合理竞争,并鼓励技术进步。

    The paper makes policy recommendations at last , government-related consulting engineering services should be regulated , reasonable competition of professional markets should be promoted and technological progress should be encouraged .

  8. 一些跨国公司滥用专利权利,企图限制或排除中国企业的合理竞争,严重损害了中国市场的竞争秩序。

    In the name of patent protection , some multinational corporations have been in an attempt to confine or eliminate the reasonable competition of Chinese enterprises , thus seriously violating Chinese competition policy .

  9. 提出政策建议:继续推进银行业市场化改革,改革监管体制,增强货币政策稳定性、连续性、科学性,鼓励银行业合理竞争。

    It also suggests that China should adopt many measures that include continuing the banking reformation , reforming regulatory system , increasing monetary policy 's stability , continuity and scientificalness , and encouraging ordered competition .

  10. 由于发展国民经济的核心就是合理竞争机制与市场机制,因此,反垄断法是规制市场经济的重要手段,是经济法的核心。

    As the core of developing the national economy and reasonable competition mechanism and market mechanism , therefore , anti-monopoly law to regulate the market economy system , an important means is the core of economic law .

  11. 如何引导地方政府间的合理竞争,如何看待政府间的合作,如何协调地方政府间的关系,何种治理模式才是最合适的,这些都成为亟待解决的问题。

    How to guide the governments ' reasonable competition , how to treat the cooperation of the governments , how to coordinate the relation among the local governments , and which governance is the best , all of which has become some burning problems .

  12. 第二章从美国、欧盟以及我国台湾地区竞争法之域外效力出发,探讨竞争法域外效力制度之合理性,以论述为维持市场之合理竞争秩序,国际合作有其必要性。

    The second chapter starts from the extraterritorial effect in competition law in the United States , European Unions and Republic of China , exploring the rationality of the system of the extraterritorial effect in competition law , to show the importance of international cooperations in maintaining reasonable competition order .

  13. Verisign有时接受了报偿为指挥交通对某些站点,因而,一些评论家说,Verisign有不合理的竞争优势在查寻和滥用他们的力量。

    Verisign sometimes received compensation for directing traffic to certain sites , thus , some critics say , Verisign had an unfair competitive advantage in the search and was abusing their power .

  14. 政府投资工程中的一个重要研究课题是:在各个市场参与者都希望获得最大利益的情况下,招标方怎样判断并应对不合理的竞争现象。

    An important problem concerning Government project is : how to get the maximum interests in the competing market .

  15. 竞业限制制度的传统理论依据是劳动法的忠实义务和竞争法的合理限制竞争原则。

    Non-competition system of traditional theory of labor law is the faithful obligation and competition law reasonable limit competition principle .

  16. 增强国家税控,保障合理有序竞争是建立国家税收制度的基本要求。

    Enhance national tax control , security reasonably orderly competition is to establish the basic requirements of the national tax system .

  17. 竞业禁止的理论依据主要是法学上的诚实信用、忠实义务原则和合理限制竞争原则以及经济学上的代理成本理论和限制权利负面效应原则。

    The prohibition of business strife theoretical basis are economic " agency costs " theories and legal obligations from the principle of good faith .

  18. 国有资产的产业分布不合理:竞争性产业中的国有资产比重仍然偏大,而竞争力普遍不强。

    The distribution of state-owned assets is not reasonable : among competitive industries the state-owned assets have the most part , but the competition is not strong .

  19. 银行业要想解决这方面的问题,建立一套系统周密、科学合理、竞争性强、并能充分调动员工积极性的薪酬管理体系是至关重要的。

    To solve this problem , it is very important for the bank industry to set up a careful , scientific , reasonable and competitive compensation management system .

  20. 竞业禁止的正当性来源于诚实信用原则、代理成本理论和合理限制竞争原则。

    The justification of the restraint of competition lies in the principle of good faith and loyalty duty , the doctrine of agent cost and the reasonable restraint doctrine .

  21. 要想创造和保持竞争优势,企业必须对自身的资源进行系统分析研究,找出优势和劣势,制定合理的竞争战略及营销策略,并有效的实施,才能立于不败之地。

    To create and maintain a competitive advantage , companies must to have a system analysis on their resources to identify strengths and weaknesses , to make rational competitive strategy and marketing strategy .

  22. 以期帮助德州银行制定、执行科学合理的竞争战略,提升竞争实力,同时也为正在积极参与国内、国际竞争的其他城市商业银行提供有益的借鉴和参考。

    This note is expected to help Dezhou Bank develop and carry out scientific and rational competitive strategy to enhance competitiveness , also provide useful lessons and reference for other CCBs participating in domestic and international competition .

  23. 二是通过采取教师聘任制、目标管理机制、科学评价机制、建立和健全个人档案等措施,建立农村教师的合理流动竞争激励模式。

    From theory angle , this paper gives the second view that teachers engagement systems , aim management systems , reasonable evaluating systems , personal files systems should be set up so that the country teachers can compete .

  24. 研究发现,在充分信息情况下,其形成与增进可通过分工合理+竞争适度+融合互补三个维度的互补效应来实现。

    It is found that , under circumstances of complete information , synergy residual can be achieved and enhanced by complementary effects on three dimensions , namely rational division of labor and moderate competition as well as amalgamation .

  25. 特别是十五期间,国家逐步实施了以厂网分离、竞价上网为核心的电力体制改革方案,以期形成我国电力市场健全合理的竞争格局。

    Especially during the 10th five years , the power system reform that the core is Plant-Grid Separation and Price Bidding is implemented gradually in order to form the sound and reasonable competition pattern if the power market in China .

  26. 建立争创名牌的企业内在环境和自主创新机制,坚持企业主体公平和合理的竞争原则等是名牌产品自主创新的措施。

    This paper suggests several measures to improve the self-innovation of famous brand products , including the establishment of enterprise internal environment and self-creation mechanism , and the insistence on the fair and reasonable principle of competition for enterprise an artificial person .

  27. 同时,我国非营利组织缺少完善或有效率的管理,面临着资金短缺、能力欠缺、结构不合理以及竞争和监督机制不完善等问题的困扰。

    Meanwhile , NPOs in China are lack of the excellent and efficient management and are faced with many problems , such as the shortage of funds , the lack of capacity , the irrational structure and imperfect competition and supervision mechanism .

  28. 中小企业的规模和市场地位决定了它必然是创新网络中的主体,创新网络解决了中小企业规模小的问题,并建立了合理的竞争机制和激励机制,从而提升了中小企业的竞争力。

    The size and market position of SMEs determines it must be the main part in innovation networks which has solved the small size of SMEs , and established a reasonable mechanism and incentive mechanism , and thus the competitiveness of SME has been improved .

  29. 为此,本文将公司的竞争战略作为研究课题,试图通过对公司竞争战略的研究,帮助公司充分利用自身优势,合理制定竞争战略,规避风险,确保公司持续快速发展。

    So this papers take company competitive strategy as the research subject and try to through researching on the competitive strategy help the company takes advantage of its strength to make out the strategy and keep away the risks , make sure the rapid and last developing .

  30. 随着建设工程承包市场不断完善,工程承包将会变得更加市场化和合理化,竞争更加激烈。

    With the continuous improvement of construction project contracting market , it will become more market-oriented , rationalized and competitive .