
  1. 《Variety》了解到,阿里影业称其只是项目投资者,不是出品方。

    Contacted by Variety , Alibaba Pictures said only that it is an investor in the project , not its producer .

  2. 此举可能导致美团在未来与阿里影业(AliPictures)发生冲突。

    Such a step could lead to a face-off against Alibaba 's Ali Pictures in the future .

  3. 阿里巴巴的主要内容制作实体是香港上市的阿里影业(AliPictures),后者是阿里巴巴去年收购文化中国传播集团(ChinaVisionMediaGroup)60%股权之后成立的。

    Alibaba 's main vehicle for content production is Hong Kong-listed Ali Pictures , which was formed last year after Alibaba bought 60 per cent of ChinaVision Media .

  4. 阿里影业1月份表示,其首部电影将与两大明星合作:制片人王家卫(WongKar-Wai)和演员梁朝伟(TonyLeung)。

    In January it said its first film will be a collaboration with two big stars : producer Wong Kar-Wai and actor Tony Leung .

  5. 作为阿里巴巴的娱乐子公司,阿里影业(AliPictures)今年投资了维亚康姆的《碟中谍5:神秘国度》(Mission:Impossible—RogueNation),并成为该影片在中国发行的官方合作伙伴。

    Alibaba Pictures , the Chinese group 's entertainment arm , invested in Paramount 's Mission : Impossible - Rogue Nation this year and was the official partner for the film 's launch in China .

  6. 但在好莱坞电影失去曾经的荣耀之前,包括阿里影业(AlibabaPictures)、百度(Baidu)、大连万达(DalianWanda)、腾讯(Tencent)和华谊兄弟(HuayiBrothersMediaCorp)在内的中国公司一直密切关注着这一行业。

    But even before its fall from grace , Chinese companies including Alibaba Pictures , Baidu , Dalian Wanda , Tencent and Huayi Brothers Media Corp had been eyeing the business closely .

  7. 阿里影业CEO张强透露,原始剧本已经由一些忠实粉丝审阅过了,小说读者也有权通过线上投票选演员。

    Zhang Qiang , CEO of Alibaba Pictures , reveals that the original script has been evaluated by some die-hard fans , and the novel 's readers will also have the right to select the cast through online votes .

  8. 中国最大电子商务集团旗下在香港上市的阿里影业(AlibabaPictures)周日表示,它将买入美国电影制作和发行公司、斯皮尔伯格的AmblinPartners的少数股份,并在该公司获得一个董事会席位。

    Alibaba Pictures , a Hong Kong-listed unit of China 's largest ecommerce group , said on Sunday that it would take a minority equity stake and board seat in Mr Spielberg 's Amblin Partners , a film production and distribution company .

  9. 去年,阿里影业曾因会计问题停牌5个月。

    Last year it was suspended for five months for accounting issues .

  10. 周二,阿里影业因等待需公布事项而停牌。

    On Tuesday the stock was suspended pending an announcement .

  11. 阿里影业将与Amblin共同制作电影,并帮助在中国发行这些影片。

    Alibaba will co-produce films with Amblin and help distribute them in China .

  12. 阿里影业的确跟中国内地多家电视台签订了制作或分销协议。

    It does have production or distribution agreements with several mainland TV stations .

  13. 马云还表示,阿里影业希望能向斯皮尔伯格和安培林公司学习。

    Ma added that Alibaba Pictures hopes to learn from Spielberg and Amblin .

  14. 阿里影业尚未制作任何作品。

    Ali Pictures has yet to produce anything .

  15. 尽管如此,阿里巴巴帝国在内容方面并非仅仅依靠阿里影业。

    Still , the Alibaba empire does not rely exclusively on Ali Pictures for content .

  16. 《没有别的爱》和阿里影业下一步会怎么做还不清楚。

    The next steps for " No Other Love " and Alibaba Pictures are unclear .

  17. 电子商务巨头阿里巴巴旗下的阿里影业目前是亭东的第二大股东。

    Alibaba Pictures , part of e-commerce giant Alibaba , is now the second-largest stakeholder in Tingdong .

  18. 自去年10月以来,阿里影业与广东、深圳以及浙江的与电视及电影合作伙伴签订了合同。

    Since October it has inked deals with TV and film partners in Guangdong , Shenzhen and Zhejiang .

  19. 然而,阿里影业总裁张蔚认为,她的公司有一个完全不同的策略。

    However , Zhang Wei , president of Alibaba Pictures , believes her company has a totally different approach .

  20. 如果与阿里影业的内容相结合,新的资产可能有助于创建一种从融资到发行的集成模式。

    Combined with Ali Pictures ' content , the new assets could help to create an integrated funding-to-distribution model .

  21. 阿里影业证实,已向中国名人博主转型的电影导演韩寒的上海亭东影业投资了一笔不知具体金额的资金。

    Alibaba Pictures confirmed that it has invested an undisclosed amount in Chinese celebrity blogger-turned-film director Han Han 's Shanghai Tingdong Film .

  22. eOne和阿里影业将联手制作一部《小猪佩奇》电影,这部电影将在中国获得首映式的特许经营权。

    eOne and Alibaba are teaming up to co-produce a Peppa Pig movie , which will get a franchise-first theatrical release in China .

  23. 阿里影业有一笔数目可观投资储备资金,而且未来还会增加,公司近期就为此筹到了16亿美元。

    Alibaba Pictures has a sizeable war chest for investment , which will swell further as the company recently sought to raise $ 1.6 billion .

  24. 阿里影业同时宣布与多家公司达成合作伙伴关系。它寄望将线上优势转化为促成上述商务合作成功的创意平台。

    Alibaba Pictures also announced a raft of new partnerships as it intends to turn its online dominance into a creative ecosystem for its collaborations to thrive .

  25. 去年,阿里影业从其总公司互联网巨头阿里巴巴的股份中筹得8亿700万美元,并把公司交由阿里巴巴全权运营。

    Last year , the company raised $ 807 million from a share offering that put Internet giant and parent company Alibaba in full control of the company .

  26. 阿里影业的合作公司既有根基稳固的老牌劲旅,也有声名鹊起的实力派公司,更有潜力无穷的明日之星。

    The partners announced by Alibaba Pictures range from well-established movie production houses , up-and-coming companies with strong capabilities , to stars of tomorrow who possess tremendous potential .

  27. 声明称阿里影业将与派拉蒙影业就电影在国内的网络售票、推销和宣传进行合作。

    In a statement , the companies said Alibaba Pictures and Paramount would collaborate in the areas of online ticketing , merchandising and promotion of the movie in China .

  28. 她被指定为阿里影业的动画版《还珠格格》的导演,该片曾在90年代让她成名。

    She is set to direct Alibaba Pictures " " My Fair Princess " an animated feature version of the TV series that made her a star in the 1990s .

  29. 阿里影业还宣布将和意大利导演吉赛贝·托纳多雷合作拍摄一部电影,电影名称尚未对外公布。

    The production arm of Jack Ma 's e-commerce giant has also announced plans for a partnership on an unspecified film from Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore ( Cinema Paradiso ) .

  30. 安培林娱乐公司和阿里影业(阿里影业是电商巨头阿里巴巴旗下的电影产业分公司)宣布计划为中国和全球观众联合拍摄、资助、上映电影。

    Amblin Entertainment and Alibaba Pictures , the film arm of the Chinese e-commerce giant , announced plans to co-produce , finance and distribute films for Chinese and global audiences .