
  1. 人感染H7N9禽流感病毒的病例近几个月大幅减少,不过陈化兰在接受新华社采访时警告说,这种病毒仍存在于动物体内。

    The number of human H7N9 infections has dropped off significantly in recent months , though Ms. Chen warned in her interview with Xinhua the virus continues to exist in animals .

  2. 在中国主要病毒学家陈化兰的带领下,研究人员测试了H7N9禽流感病毒多个毒株的传播能力,方法是将三只健康的雪貂放在一个笼子里,旁边的一个笼子里放入三只感染了病毒的雪貂。

    Led by Chen Hualan , one of China 's top virologists , researchers tested the ability of multiple strains of the virus to spread by placing three healthy ferrets in one cage next three infected ferrets in another cage .