
  1. 他的代号,在他为了10块钱杀人前。

    His street name & before he killed a man for $ 10 .

  2. 短期流动性利率和银行间拆借利率大致比钱荒前水平高出一倍。

    Short-term liquidity and interbank borrowing rates were about twice as high as their pre-crunch levels .

  3. 任何一个在投行工作的人都知道,如果形势恶化,这些钱在年底前就会像冰雪消融一样消失无踪。

    Anyone at an investment bank will know that that money can melt like snow before the end of the year if things go wrong .

  4. 要想到你能够输多少钱,交易前就想好风险回报比例。尽力做到可能的盈利要三倍于可能的亏损。

    Worry about how much you can lose . Figure risk reward ratio ahead of trade . Strive for at least 3x potential profit vs. loss .

  5. 现任总统阿尔瓦诺。科隆缩减公共财政支出,用挤出来的钱来支持前第一夫人桑德拉。托雷斯运作的福利项目。

    The incumbent president ,á lvaro Colom , has further strained the public finances by funding welfare programmes run by the former first lady , Sandra Torres .

  6. 英国人如今在健康补药上花的钱是5年前的两倍。

    Britons are spending twice as much on health tonics as they were five years ago

  7. 这件新外套花的钱是我两年前那件的三倍。

    This new coat cost me three times as much as the last one I bought two years ago .