
  1. 钱存训加入了国民革命军,这支军队在1928年打败了军阀,统一了中国。

    Mr. Tsien joined the Nationalist Army , which in 1928 helped defeat the warlords , unifying China .

  2. 钱存训继续描述了造纸术与印刷术在日本的类似发展史。

    Tsien goes on to describe the analogous history of the development of paper and printing in Japan .

  3. 在采访中,钱存训有时会被问及他为什么冒着那么大的危险将书偷运出中国。

    In interviews , Professor Tsien was sometimes asked why he assumed so grave a risk to smuggle books out of China .

  4. 钱存训进入金陵大学(今南京大学)读中国及西方历史和图书馆学,于1932年获得本科学位。

    At the University of Nanking ( now Nanjing ), Mr. Tsien studied Chinese and Western history and library science , earning an undergraduate degree in 1932 .