
  • 网络Qian Qi;Tche-Tsi
  1. 失友都因借钱起

    " He that doth lend , doth lose his friend "

  2. 第三部分:钱起、刘长卿七律的艺术表现与主导风格。

    The third first part : artistic expression and dominant style of their qilu poem .

  3. 当时的诗人李白、钱起等都有赞美他书法的诗篇。

    The famous Tang Dynasty poets Li Bai and Qian Qi spoke highly of his calligraphy works .

  4. 应当纳入的一项减税措施,是暂时、递增性的投资税收抵免。它鼓励企业在这个经济需要支出时进行投资,能花最少的钱起到最大的效果。

    The one tax cut that should be included is a temporary incremental investment tax credit ; it provides a big bang for the buck , encouraging companies to invest now when the economy needs the spending .

  5. 在唐代成为文人官员躲避都城长安官场的隐逸之所,不少文人在辋川及周边地区营建自己的别业或者别墅,如宋之问,王维及钱起等。

    Civilian officials from the capital of Chang-an official of the Tang dynasty hermit , wangchuan ' many scholars and building their villas in or around the Villa ' such as song Zhiwen , Wang Wei and money .

  6. 鲍勃用从公司偷来的钱又干起了赌博的勾当。

    Bob used the money he stole from his company to gamble again .

  7. 但罚瑞银这么点钱又起到了什么作用呢?

    But what is achieved by fining his employer such a derisory amount ?

  8. 但是世卫组织健康统计暨资讯部门负责人布尔马表示,在提供良好的保健方面,钱是起关键作用的。

    Health Statistics and Informatics Department Director Ties Boerma says money talks when it comes to providing good health .

  9. 既然这一生中最大的伤痛是因钱而起,那我就学着玩钱,也让钱成为我手中的乖宝宝。

    Since the greatest pain in this lifetime is , rise because of money , then my go to school is worn play fund , also let money become the chickabiddy in my hand .

  10. 少数幸运的家庭靠着打工带回的钱已经盖起了新房。

    A few fortunate families have built concrete homes with migrant money .

  11. 搞到的钱请的起这些人吗?

    Where will you get the money to back this ?

  12. 钱对他起不了多大作用。

    Money won 't make much difference to him .

  13. 很多西部地区的孩子没有足够的钱上不起学。

    Many children in the west don 't have to go to school .

  14. 钱能支起你的头来吗?

    Money would prop up your head ?

  15. 没有钱买得起彩色电视机,我只好不买了。

    There 's no money for a color TV set , I have to go without .

  16. 不用觉得不好意思&我们不会瞧不起微薄但可贵的捐赠的,正如人们说的,每一文钱都会起作用。

    Don 't feel ashamed-we don 't despise the widow 's mite , and , as they say , every penny helps .

  17. 但是价格也很“好”啊,我想我们没有足够的钱买得起这样的房子。

    But the price is " good " too . I don 't think we 've got enough money for a house like this .

  18. 用户曾多次报告称,自己的比特币被偷,或在交易所企业那里丢了钱,各起事件分别被归咎于黑客恶意窃取、比特币企业家在技术上无能、以及诈骗。

    Users have repeatedly reported having Bitcoin stolen or losing money from exchange businesses , with incidents blamed variously on malicious hackers , the technical incompetence of entrepreneurs , and fraud .

  19. 坐着看你辛苦赚来的钱增值看上起就像一个幻想,但是事实是,对于你个人来说这不再是一个梦。

    Sitting back and watching your hard earned money grow only appears like a fantasy , but the truth is , it does not have to be merely a dream to you personally any more .

  20. 我们得放弃电脑,我们没钱,用不起。

    We shall have to dispense with the computer , we can 't afford it .

  21. 这套衣服的钱我付得起。

    I am able to pay for this suit .

  22. 咱们连煤气的钱都付不起。

    We can barely even pay for gas .

  23. 它的价格如此便宜,以至于小孩拿着零花钱都买的起。

    It was so cheap that even a kid could afford it with his or her pocket money .

  24. 里约市的警察还没有拿到全部薪金,而且甚至可能连买天然气的钱也付不起。

    Police officers in the city aren 't being fully paid and may not even have enough money for gas .

  25. 以前你的钱对我不起作用,现在依然不起作用,

    Rufus : Your money was no good for me then and it 's still no good with me now .

  26. 如果你的需求的资金都满足了,而你还有钱来付得起一些“渴求品”,那么你也同样必须优先化。

    If your needs are paid , and you still have cash to afford some wants , you must still prioritize .

  27. 他说:如果这个生意点子能够成功,赚的钱就可以负担起我的这项爱好了。一想到这点,我就充满动力。

    If this business idea succeeds , it could support my hobby . When I thought about that I felt motivated , he says .

  28. 有个叫多米尼克的给他钱要他藏起一集装箱的枪他就从系统中删除了

    Not me . Mickey . Some dealer named Dominic paid him off to disappear a container full of guns . He just deleted it out of the system .

  29. 分道扬镳的部分原因是,两位年轻人强硬的经营风格与前导师的低调不合拍,还有部分原因是在钱的问题上起了分歧。

    It was caused , in part , by differences between the hard-driving business style of the young cousins and the quieter approach of their former mentor ; and partly by disagreements over money .

  30. 以前你的钱对我不起作用,现在依然不起作用,rest:其余的assure:保证不过我可以保证,我儿子像我一样不被收买。

    Rufus : Your money was no good for me then , and it 's still no good with me now . and you can rest assured that like me , my son can 't be bought . -