
  1. 何炳松史学研究二题

    Two Topics on the Historical Study by He Bing-song

  2. 本章力图通过对何炳松的生平、经历的梳理来了解其史学思想的形成、发展、演变过程。

    Through his lifetime and experiences , it tries to realize the formation , development and evolution process of his historical ideology .

  3. 其次从何炳松对西方史学的译介、其本人的著述及其教育教学实践等方面对其在中国新史学建设的贡献力求做一客观、全面的评述。

    Then , it is to make an objective and overall comment on his contribution to construction of Chinese new history through his translation works and his personal writings as well as his teaching practice .