
  1. 杭州人陈林

    Chen lin : a Hangzhou Designer

  2. 你大学的朋友其中,我只认识黄一妙和大为陈林。

    Among your university friends , the only ones I know are Huang Yimao and Chen Lin.

  3. 有了郑的牵线搭桥,陈林得到了和省委书记交好的机会。

    With the match Zheng , and the Provincial Party Secretary Chen Lin has been paying good opportunities .

  4. “如果你不大声喊叫,你就会挨饿。”陈林说道,他今年37岁,是一个骨瘦如柴却生气勃勃的男人,靠收废旧金属装置,他每天赚大约5美元。

    " If you can 't yell loudly , you 'll starve ," said Chen Lin , 37 , a bony , animated man who earns about $ 5 a day salvaging dead appliances and anything else containing metal .