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zhì xué
  • set one's mind on study
志学 [zhì xué]
  • [dedicate oneself to the pursuit of learning in one's fifteen years old] 《论语.为政》指人十五岁的代称;专心求学

  • 志学之年

  1. 中国六城市休闲制约因素研究&以民族志学的方法

    An Ethnographic Analysis of Leisure Constraints in Six Chinese Cities

  2. 地志学绘制地区地图或行政区地图的技术。

    The technique of mapping a region or district .

  3. 结果:学生对数学有迷恋留连,产生乐学甚至志学的效果。

    Results Students become interested in maths , delighted and even absorbed into learning maths .

  4. 民国时期方志学理论述评

    Commentary on the Theory of Local Records in the Period of the Republic of China

  5. 文化适应的理论基础文化相对论和人志学的文化研究方法,文化适应的概念和分类;

    Theory of cultural relativism and ethnographic method of culture study , definition and classification of culture adaptation ;

  6. 趣学、乐学、志学&学生积极参与课堂的设计与实践

    Interesting Learning , Happy Learning , Persistent Learning & the Design and Practice of Students'Active Participation in the Classroom

  7. 清代扬州学者在方志学方面曾进行过比较深入的研究。

    In the Qing Dynasty , the scholars in Yangzhou carried out an intensive research into the science of local chronicles .

  8. 自由地志学工艺术没有线路限定:这安装是自由到路线这电线在最快速方法。

    Free topology technology has no wiring restrictions : the installer is free to route the wire in the most expeditious manner .

  9. 他在总结前人经验的基础上,从理论到方法全面发展了我国方志学理论基础。

    On the base of summing up predecessors'experience , he developed the theoretical base of local chronicles studies of our country through theory up the means .

  10. 根据现有文献,沉默可以从很多理论视角来解读,包括语言学、社会学、民族志学、语用学和美学。

    According to the available literature , silence can be interpreted with different theoretical approaches , from linguistics , sociology , ethnography to pragmatics and aesthetics .

  11. 尤其是缺乏从历史文献学和方志学的角度对《新疆图志》进行全方位的系统研究。

    In particular , the lack of historical study from the perspective of Historical Documents and the local records study of 《 Records and Maps of XinJiang 》 in all-round system .

  12. 在方志学方面,孙氏不仅亲自参与了多部地方志的编纂和校勘工作,而且在实践中对方志的编纂理论与方法进行了研究和探讨。

    In the study of Local topography , he not only personally participated in many local chronicles compiling and collating work , and formed their own theory of compilation in practice .

  13. 流人创下了齐齐哈尔文化史上的“五个之最”,奠定了卜魁城史志学的基础,对当时文化及教育的发展产生了积极的影响。

    Liu people created five first-rate in the history of qiqihar , set up the base of historiography of Bu Kui city , and exerted an active influence on culture and education at that time .

  14. 若以孔子志学的时间推算,我们学习英语10年,也没有什么了不起,还没有到而立之年呢。

    Calculated in the terms Confucius set for us in learning , those of us who have been learning English for ten years still have a long way to go before reaching the time to be established .

  15. 本文提出了《中国现代方志学》这部大型方志学术理论专著学术理论体系的三个组成部分,即方志政治理论、方志基础理论和方志应用理论。

    This article puts forward with great creativeness that the Political Theory of Chorography , the Basic Theory of Chorography , and the Application Theory of Chorography are three components of Chinese Modern Chorography , a large theoretical framework .

  16. 目前,社会语言学研究正在全面展开,其内部可以区分出五个主要的分支:社会方言学、语言社会学、交际民族志学、语言社会心理学和互动社会语言学。

    At present , studies in sociolinguistics are widely made , and five branches can be distinguished in it , i.e. Social Dialectics , Sociology of Language , Ethnography of Communication , Social Psychology of Language , Interactional Sociolinguistics .

  17. 他表示,交大等一流医学院要招到高分学生通常没什么问题,不过他补充称,如果学生真的有志学医,他愿意降低分数要求。

    Top faculties such as Jiaotong usually have little problem filling their quota for students with good marks , he says , adding that he would prefer to lower his grade expectations if the student were truly committed to studying medicine .

  18. 英国水彩画的发展源于地志学风景画的兴起,十八世纪兴起的旅行热潮加速了风景水彩画的发展,英国湿润的海洋性气候,从外在环境上造就了水彩画发展的可能性。

    The development of British watercolor painting originated from the upsurge of topological landscape paintings , accelerated by the traveling fever in 18th century . Moreover , the wet oceanic weather in Britain also created the possibilities for the development of watercolor paintings .

  19. 本文从七情致病的原因、特点、治疗、护理及其调摄和预防等诸多方面论述了《黄帝内经》理论体系中所蕴含的丰富的情志学思想和内容,以及近年来的研究、发展概况。

    From the aspects of the reason , characteristics , treatment , nursing and care , recuperation and prevention , the author discusses the plentiful thought and content of psychology in The Yellow Emperor 's Internal Classic and its general situation of study and development .

  20. 近三十年来,恭维语应答一直是共时语言研究的热点,相关研究已涉及语用学、话语分析、社会语言学、心理语言学、交际民族志学,跨文化交际等领域。

    As one of the most intriguing topics of synchronic linguistics , compliment response ( CR ) has received much attention from the researchers in various subfields of linguistics , such as pragmatics , conversation analysis , sociolinguistics , psycholinguistics , contrastive linguistics and cross-cultural communication .