
zhì zài bì dé
  • determined to have
志在必得[zhì zài bì dé]
  1. 这次比赛结果成为一场恶战,因为两个人都志在必得。

    The game proved to be a dour struggle , with both men determined to win .

  2. 比克斯塔夫看上去对于当选总书记志在必得。

    Bickerstaffe looks assured of being elected general secretary .

  3. 年轻一代的自信让他们对成功志在必得。

    It is the self-assurance of the new generation which makes them sure of their success .

  4. 我队参加这次锦标赛,志在必得。

    We are determined to come in first in the championships .

  5. 哈里斯最近出了本书,题为《志在必得:一名华尔街元老的成功之道》(ExpecttoWin:ProvenStrategiesforSuccessfromaWallStreetVet)。

    Harris recently published a book titled expect to win : Proven Strategies for success from a Wall Street vet .

  6. 曾在北京创立数家新兴企业的美国人RichardRobinson称,这种志在必得及充足的风投资本,让中国互联网沦为“残酷的角斗场”。

    The will to win and the abundance of venture capital make China 's internet a " ferociously gladiatorial environment , " says Richard Robinson , an American who has founded several start-ups in Beijing .

  7. 两名选手都以敢打敢拼、志在必得的打法赢得了第一轮比赛。

    Both players both won their first-round matches in aggressive style .

  8. 他将入主白宫的打算描述为志在必得。

    He portrayed his White House bid as one as gaining momentum .

  9. 格伦·吉斯勒对这次重新装潢的机会志在必得对格伦也这么说

    that Glenn Gissler is poised to get the redecorating gig

  10. 谢谢但我志在必得我的房产经纪人正在等好消息

    Thanks , but I went in strong.My realtor is expecting good news .

  11. 她对此次奖学金志在必得。

    She is confident of being awarded this scholarship .

  12. 不,我志在必得,所以……

    No , I plan on winning , so ...

  13. 我将带着从容的微笑去赢得我志在必得的辉煌。

    I will wear an unhurried smile to win the resplendence that belongs to me .

  14. 这场比赛我们志在必得,怎么都不会输的。

    This game is in the bag . there 's no way we can lose .

  15. 他是志在必得呀。

    Is this your best score ?

  16. 康拉德·格雷森志在必得

    Conrad Grayson within striking distance

  17. 罗姆尼志在必得的佛罗里达州刚刚向奥巴马阵营迈进了一步。

    Florida , a must-win state for Mr Romney , just moved closer to Mr Obama 's column .

  18. 这支队伍参赛时无意充当炮灰,他们志在必得。

    The team had no intention of being cannon fodder when they played the champions , and were determined to win .

  19. 我们志在必得。你们的文件显示,如何利用少量以证据为基础,且效果已得到证实的明智的干预措施来达到这一目标。

    Your documents show how to do this with a limited number of smart , evidence-based interventions with a proven impact .

  20. 但是这一次绝对是志在必得的,在最后的得分打出之前,杨威就开始庆祝他的胜利了。

    But this one was never in doubt , and Yang began his victory celebration before his final score was even posted .

  21. 寻求敌人要象寻找丢失的孩子那样志在必得,进攻敌人务象抢救落水的人那样奋不顾身地迅速行动。

    They will seek the enemy as if searching for a lost son ; they will attack the enemy as if rescuing a drowning man , with haste .

  22. 随着初选的结束,政治分析人士们正在评估是什么原因导致几个月前还几乎志在必得的克林顿参议员最终败给了对手。

    With the primary season over , political analysts are assessing the factors that caused Senator Clinton 's defeat , when her victory had seemed almost certain months earlier .

  23. 它会使你过于自信,志在必得地接受一项永远不能付诸实现的任务。

    This aspect could make you overly confident , all too ready to accept a commission-only job that will never materialize in the way you 've been led to believe .

  24. 一家提供影像共享的公司刚刚庆祝了它的成立一周年,同时也庆祝了它赢利的开始。但是这家公司很快将成为媒体和科技巨头志在必得的战利品。

    YouTube , the popular video-sharing Web site that has yet to celebrate its first anniversary or its first profit , is quickly becoming the must-have prize for media and technology giants .

  25. 如果志在必得,可以提前几天将鲜花寄送给他的母亲,附上一张卡片,表示非常期望与她会面。

    If you 're in it to win it , send the flowers to his mother a few days before the get-together with a card saying you 're looking forward to meeting her .

  26. 而苹果对此次竞购则志在必得,它刚刚与诺基亚就持续了20个月的专利诉讼大战达成和解,而与三星的旷世之争还在进行中,三星刚刚要求禁止美国进口苹果的相关产品。

    Apple ( AAPL ) , having just settled a 20-month legal battle with Nokia ( NOK ) and facing a potential import ban in its epic struggle with Samsung , was particularly determined .

  27. 切尔西对于英超冠军志在必得,下赛季的欧洲联赛也成为他们的一大目标,阿卜拉莫维奇迫切渴望在欧洲赛场取得成功。

    Chelsea are firmly in the winning habit in The Premiership , but will be targeting a clean sweep of trophies in the coming season with European success still proving elusive for Roman Abramovich .

  28. 然而有中石化集团官员却表示,对于此次交易“志在必得”,因为中石化上游的短板已影响到了公司的长远发展。

    There is , however , Sinopec Group , but officials said that the deal " determined to win ," because the upper reaches of Sinopec 's board has a short affecting the company 's long-term development .

  29. 我们所有人都可能做的最糟糕的一件事,就是努力成为多面手:他奉劝我们集中所有的努力,放在自己志在必得的事情上,而放弃其它所有事情。

    The worst thing any of us can do is to try to be well rounded people : he urges us to concentrate all efforts on the things we are going to win at , and quit everything else .

  30. 很多藏家和球迷都参加了拍卖,预计到曼联会对世界杯金牌志在必得。认为曼联对斯泰尔斯有道义上的责任。

    Many collectors and fans at the auction had expected the club to bid hard for the world cup medal , arguing that the club had a moral duty to Stiles , its own history and its fans to do so .