
  1. 高承压降水井封井技术应用

    Application of CLOSING-WELL technology for high pressurized dewatering wells

  2. 基坑内承压降水井封井的防水与封堵水泥基渗透结晶型防水涂料试验研究

    Waterproof and Shutoff for Closing of Pressured Dewatering Well Located in Foundation Pit STUDY ON CEMENTITIOUS CAPILLARY CRYSTALLINE WATERPROOF MATERIAL

  3. 本文介绍窝沟封闭防龋效果、封闭剂保留率和窝沟封闭剂的成本-效果分析。基坑内承压降水井封井的防水与封堵

    This paper reports the effect , retention rate and cost-effectiveness of pit and fissure sealant in the prevention of caries . Waterproof and Shutoff for Closing of Pressured Dewatering Well Located in Foundation Pit

  4. 有些矿井利用大气压力差引起空气自然流动,有些矿井则必须用扇风机把空气压人井内。基坑内承压降水井封井的防水与封堵

    In some cases the difference in atmospheric pressure causes the air to circulate naturally ; in others a fan must be used to pump air into the mine . Waterproof and Shutoff for Closing of Pressured Dewatering Well Located in Foundation Pit