
  1. 最后,很多站长在质疑,放百度竞争对手比如雅虎,阿里妈妈,甚至GOOGLE的广告,会不会导致降权或者拔毛?

    Finally , a lot of stationmaster are in doubt , put Baidu competitor for instance Yahoo , the mom in A , even the advertisement of GOOGLE , can you bring about fall to counterpoise or depilate ?

  2. 黑链接很便宜,对于提升PR有帮助,但是最近两大搜索引擎对于黑链接不是很买账,有时候一旦发现严重K站降权处理。

    Black links are cheap PR for the upgrade helpful , but recently the two search engines link to are not quite buy it for the black , sometimes serious K stand down once found the right deal .

  3. 或者是子域名的降权的牵连。

    Or child of the domain name fall the embroil of authority .

  4. 如果能找出被降权的原因,就要立刻改正;

    If you can find out the cause of the right to be reduced , will immediately correct ;

  5. 网站降权如果是出于自身,还是很容易找出问题的所在。

    Website drop right out of their own , or if it is very easy to find out what .

  6. 被降权后也不是没救,要稳定自己的心态,不要失去信心。

    Be reduced right after is not yet save , should be stable their own state of mind , don 't lose faith .

  7. 网站被降权有时是因为我们在做网站优化时某个环节出错,造成优化过度或触动了搜索引擎的惩罚机制;

    Web site is down right sometimes because we do website optimization a link when wrong , cause excessive or touches the optimal search engine punishment mechanism ;

  8. 在网站中大量出现链向其它网站的链接,尤其是被搜索引擎降权、拔毛的网站。

    The chain link to other website appears in great quantities in website of one , Zai , be fallen by search engine especially the website that Quan , depilates .

  9. 就网站内容来说,长期不更新,更新的频率及数量异常,内容都是采集的,这些都是被搜索引擎所讨厌,很容易就对此作出降权处理的。

    Web site , it is long , update , the frequency of updates and quantity , content is collecting , these are all search engines have hate , it 's easy to make a drop of processing power .

  10. 推导了信噪比增益与降采样滤波器权系数的关系,给出了采用Rayleigh商方法求解给出准则下最优FIR滤波器的方法和步骤。

    The relation of the SNR and the coefficients of the filter adopted is deduced . The steps by the Rayleigh quotient method to obtain the optimal desampling FIR filter are also presented .

  11. 两汉以降,相权的弱化与君权的强化是一个总体的历史趋势。

    Since the two Han Dynasty , the increasingly weakening premier power and enhancing counterpart had been a general historical trend .