
  • 网络precipitation variability
  1. 结果表明:青稞拔节~孕穗期降水变率较大,此时温暖半干旱农区、温暖半湿润农区易出现旱情;

    The results show that the precipitation variability is relative large during jointing to booting stage , and the drought appears easily during this stage in the warm semiarid and semi-humid agricultural zone .

  2. 基于山东省及周边地区1973~2002年42个气象站点的基本气象数据,计算出各气象站的多年平均气温、大于10℃积温、干燥度、年降水量和年降水变率等。

    Based on the meteorological data of 42 meteorological stations during 1973 ~ 2002 in Shandong province , the annual mean temperature , accumulated temperature > 10 ℃, aridity index , precipitation and precipitation variability were computed up .

  3. 总体上看,这种基于NCEP再分析资料和GLM的天气发生器对降水变率具有很强的解释和模拟能力。

    On the whole , these stochastic models based on GLM and the NCEP reanalysis data are powerful tools for explaining and simulating the occurrence probability and amounts of precipitation .

  4. 用人工神经网络法对降水变率进行分类。

    Classification of rainfall variability by using artificial neural networks .

  5. 降水变率呈明显增大趋势,表明降水稳定性降低,干旱与洪涝灾害更加频繁。

    Precipitation variable showed an evident uptrend , and aridity and waterlog became more frequent because of the stability of precipitation fall .

  6. 气候变化预计将增加许多地方的降水变率,即便总降水量将增加。

    Climate change is expected to increase rainfall variability in many places , even where the total rainfall is set to rise .

  7. 光照充足,温差大,对作物和瓜果产量和质量的提高有利,雨量季节分布不均,降水变率大。

    Plentiful light and the great temperature difference are in favorable to the yield increase and the good quality of melons and fruits .

  8. 结果表明,本区域近几十年来的气候变化趋于暖冬、凉夏,气温、降水变率加大,气象灾害频繁增多的特点十分明显。

    Results show that there are obviously a warming trend in winter , a cooling trend in summer , an increasing in the variability of mean air temperature and precipitation , and a rising in meteorological disaster frequency .

  9. 平均降水年变率为27%,易形成干旱。

    With a annual variation of precipitation of 27 % this region is particularly easy to cause drought .

  10. 结果表明定西市具有光照充足、光能资源丰富、气候温凉、热量分布差异大、降水少变率大、光热水匹配基本合理等特点。

    The results show that it has the sufficient sunshine , cool weather , sharp heat distribution , lack precipitation and reasonable match of heat and light .

  11. 然而,当两者各值出现的月份发生位相差异时,当年年降水相对变率大于同期降水的平均相对变率。

    However , when their wave troughes appear in different months , the annual relative variability of precipitation is much more than the mean relative variability of precipitation during the same period .

  12. 近百年中国东部夏季降水的时空变率(英文)

    Spatiotemporal Variations of Summer Rainfall over Eastern China during 1880-1999 ( 1 )

  13. 许多地方降水强度和变率的增加将使洪旱危险性上升;

    Increased precipitation intensity and variability is projected to increase the risks of flooding and drought in many areas .

  14. 无论是温度还是降水,其变率随时间而变,目前均处于高气候变率时段,要注意高基本态和高变率结合易导致的高温、洪涝等极端气候事件;

    Climate variability also varies with time , and at present both temperature and precipitation are in a phase of high base state and high climate variability so that we should be aware of frequent occurrences of extreme climate events .

  15. 1880年以来中国东部四季降水量序列及其变率

    Seasonal Precipitation Series of Eastern China Since 1880 and the Variability

  16. 山内部夏季降水和温度的变率均比山外明显偏小,而环绕山区外围一带的变率比其更外面的平地还要大。

    The variability of temperature and precipitation of the inner part of mountain area is much less than the outer part around the mountain .

  17. 如果取冬麦生育期的累积植被指数和累积降水量的相对变率则其间的相关系数将提高。

    If the rela-tive variability of cumulative vegetation index and cumulative precipitation during the win-ter wheat growth cycle is adopted , the correlation coefficient between both is raised .

  18. 该区光热资源丰富,生产潜力很大,但自然条件严酷,降水稀少且降水变率大、季节分配不均,干旱尤其是春旱频繁,成为该区农业发展的一大障碍。

    Although with abundant sunlight resources and great productive potentialities in this area , natural conditions are harsh , rareness and uneven season assign of precipitation , especially the frequent spring drought become a great obstacle of agricultural development in this area .

  19. 贺兰山过去196年降水的树轮宽度重建及降水变率

    A 196-year precipitation reconstruction based on tree-ring width in the Helan Mountains of North China and the precipitation variability

  20. 在对降水变化不敏感的研究地点,降水年际变率增加导致多年平均净初级生产力有所减少。

    Increased interannual precipitation variations resulted in decrease of 40-year mean NPP at sites with low sensitivity to precipitation change , while had marginal impact at high sensitivity sites .

  21. 青藏高原干旱地区降水完全取决于夏季降水量,并且降水的相对变率大。

    Summer rainfall completely determines the precipitation of arid regions in the plateau , so the precipitation has larger relative variability .

  22. 不仅年总降水量的变化,而且各月和季节降水量的变率和分配变化情况都影响草原畜牧业生产。

    Not only the annual total precipitation change , and the month and seasonal precipitation variability and changes affect the grassland animal husbandry production .

  23. 虽然降水总量没有明显变化,但自20世纪80年代以后,降水变率亦呈增大趋势,其不稳定性甚于温度变率的变化。

    Although precipitation had no significant change , its variability had the trend to increase after 1980s and its instability was larger than that of the temperature variability .

  24. 西北地区年降水量自西北向东南迅速增加,多雨地区年降水量的相对变率较小,干燥地区年降水量的相对变率较大,近40年年降水趋势总体上呈东西部反向变化。

    Results show : ( 1 ) The annual precipitation in northwest China increases rapidly from northwest to southeast , the relative variability of precipitation in rain spell is smaller than that in dry region .