
  • 网络Defibrillator;automatic external defibrillator
  1. 监护除颤仪TEC-7100的故障维修实例

    Maintenance of TEC-7100 portable defibrillator

  2. 三训两考在除颤仪使用培训中的应用

    Application of " Three-step training and Two-part Examination " in Utilization and Training of Defibrillator

  3. 双相波除颤仪除颤效果及副作用的实验研究

    Studies on Defibrillation Effect and Side Effects of Biphasic Wave Defibrillator

  4. 每名患者都曾有一次心肌梗死发作,需要植入式心脏除颤仪来纠正心律失常。

    Each had had a heart attack and required an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to correct problems with their heartbeat .

  5. 本文着重介绍医用除颤仪的原理、日常维护及常见故障排除,供医学工程技术人员参考。

    The essay will introduce principles and daily maintenance of medical defibrillator and elimination of usual malfunctions so that the medical engineering technicians may use it for reference .