
  • primer;makeup base;BB
  1. 涂抹隔离霜,让皮肤更加光滑,掩盖粗大毛孔。

    Add a primer to smooth out your skin 's texture and to cover large pores .

  2. 此外,防晒霜(sunscreen)不能再被称为“日光隔离霜”(sunblock),标签上也不能再单纯使用“防水”(waterproof)或“防汗”(sweatproof)等字眼。

    And sunscreens can no longer be called ' sunblocks ' or be labeled as ' waterproof ' or ' sweatproof . '

  3. 隔离霜主要是在上粉底之前起一个保护性作用。

    Primer is a protective provides a smooth surface for foundation .

  4. 隔离霜主要是在上粉底之前起一个保护性作用。如果你是油性皮肤,也许直接涂隔离霜感觉比较好。

    If you have an oily complexion , you may feel that the primer without moisturiser is enough .

  5. 于隔离霜之后使用,以粉扑或指腹沾取适量均匀推开于全脸,展现自然妆感。

    After pre-makeup , apply a proper amount on the face evenly by using a powder puff or finger . It gives perfect make-up and natural skin tone .