
ɡé dài yí chuán
  • atavism;reversion;skipped generation
  1. 本文在研究蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)和最佳个体保留方法(ElitistModel)的基础上,引入排挤思想,提出了可以隔代遗传的综合选择操作方法。

    On the basis of researching for Monte Carlo method and method of optimal individual reservation ( Elitist model ), the paper introduces push out ideal and proposes integrative selecting operating method which can be inheritable in ( every ) other generation .

  2. 好吧,因为我一直在想这个天赋的隔代遗传。

    Well , because I always thought the gift skipped a generation .

  3. 癌有多可怕?会不会隔代遗传呢?

    Does cancer have much dreariness ? Can atavistic ?

  4. 这个天赋可能是隔代遗传了。

    It seems that it skips a generation .

  5. 流浪汉当然不是游牧性格的隔代遗传现象&还不如说旅行推销员是隔代遗传的呢。

    Of course a tramp is not a nomadic atavism & one might as well say that a commercial traveller is an atavism .

  6. 在基本遗传算法和加速遗传算法的基础上,提出可考虑隔代遗传的广义遗传算法;

    On the basis of Simple Genetic Algorithms ( SGA ) and Accelerating Genetic Algorithms ( AGA ), Generalized Genetic Algorithms ( GGA ) was created , which can consider ancestor 's genes .

  7. 当报纸出版商在纸质版本中摆脱了诸如广告页面等隔代遗传的因素,他们也节约了墨水和纸张。

    As newspapers get rid of the more atavistic elements in their print editions - such as the pages of ( inherently out-of-date ) share prices - they also save on ink and paper .

  8. 如有先天性缺陷大都是隔代遗传,要孙辈显现出来,但你述可能胎儿发育时用药或外伤引起,属后天原因,那就不会遗传到下一代!

    If have congenital drawback , be atavistic mostly , should grandson generation is shown , but drug is used when you narrate may fetal development or traumatic cause , belong to acquired reason , that won 't arrive hereditarily next generation !

  9. 秃顶可能会隔代遗传而且基因在子女间是随机重组的,因而如果你运气够好,你可能不会遗传那种会使你秃顶的基因。否则,你秃顶的趋势将势不可挡,唯有希望你会像范·迪塞尔那样英俊有型。

    Balding can skip generations and it is randomly incident among siblings , so if you are lucky enough maybe you don 't possess the gene to make you follically challenged otherwise , at present there is no way to avoid male pattern baldness from happening so hope you look as good as Vin diesel when genetics takes over .

  10. 针对传统遗传算法解决大规模复杂问题效率比较低的问题,提出了一种并行隔代映射遗传算法。

    A multiple-deme parallel genetic algorithm based on the intergeneration projection genetic algorithm was suggested to solve the complex optimal problems .

  11. 隔代强制进化遗传算法在换热网络优化中应用

    The Application of Atavistic Forced-evolution Genetic Algorithms in the Optimization of Heat Exchange Networks