
  • 网络abnormal chromosome numbers;numberical abnormality;numerical abnormality;Numerical disorder;chromosome numerical aberration
  1. 为进一步阐明肝癌细胞染色体数目异常的机理奠定基础。

    It imply important information for exploring the mechanism of chromosome numerical abnormality in human hepatoma cells .

  2. 染色体数目异常(非整倍体)和染色体结构畸变经常可见于恶性瘤细胞。

    Abnormal chromosome numbers ( aneuploidy ) and structural chromosomal aberrations are invariably found in the cells of malignant tumors .

  3. 用间期细胞FISH技术快速分析性腺发育不全患者的性染色体数目异常

    Rapid detection of numerical sex chromosome abnormality on male gonad agenesis by interphase FISH

  4. 结论FISH技术用于产前诊断孕早期胚胎染色体数目异常具有快速、准确等优点。

    Conclusion : FISH technique applied in prenatal diagnosis of early embryo chromosomes abnormalities is rapid and accurate .

  5. 其中X染色体数目异常3例,X染色体结构异常10例。

    Among them , 3 cases were numeral abnormalities of X chromosome and 10 cases were structural abnormalities of X chromosome .

  6. 目的探索用间期细胞FISH快速分析男性性腺发育不全患者染色体数目异常的方法。

    Objective : To explore the interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) method to rapidly detect the numerical sex chromosome abnormality of gonad agenesis patients .

  7. 用三色荧光原位杂交(Three-colorFISH)检测小鼠精子中染色体数目异常的研究

    Detection of Numerical Chromosomal Aberrations in Epididymal Sperm of Mice Using Three-Color FISH with Chromosome-specific DNA Probes

  8. 目的检测口腔鳞状细胞癌(OSCC)细胞中的染色体数目异常与结构畸变。

    Objective Detect chromosome aberrance ( number and construction ) in OSCC cell .

  9. 目的:探讨人胚胎滋养层细胞中染色体数目异常与着丝粒特异性蛋白质CENP-I表达水平的相关性。

    Objective : To observe the expression level of CENP-I gene in human trophoblast cells with numerical chromosomal aberration .

  10. 用荧光原位杂交技术快速诊断孕早期胚胎染色体数目异常

    Rapid diagnosis of chromosomes abnormalities in early embryos by fluorescence in situ hybridization technique

  11. 精子头部有2个荧光杂交信号的精子为染色体数目异常精子。

    Those with two hybridization signals in one sperm head should be abnormal in chromosome numbers .

  12. 肺癌胸水细胞8号染色体数目异常变化的研究

    The difference was related to numerical chromosome change . Numerical alteration of chromosome 8 in pleural effusions

  13. 应用荧光原位杂交技术快速诊断胎儿染色体数目异常

    Application of the Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization on the Prenatal Diagnosis of the Fetal Aneuploidy in the Uncultured Amniocytes

  14. [结论]无论是染色体数目异常还是染色体结构异常,都可导致先天畸形、智力低下、流产、不孕和生长发育障碍等。

    [ Conclusions ] The abnormal chromosome number or structure will result in congenital malformation , hypophrenia , abortion , infertility and growth obstruct .

  15. 其中常染色体数目异常9例,结构异常4例,性染色体数目异常2例。

    Among them , there were 9 cases of abnormal chromosomal number , 4 cases of abnormal structure aberration and 2 cases of number anomalies of sex chromosome .

  16. 虽然染色体数目异常(少量非整倍体)可能对神经细胞多样性有好处,但是大量的非整倍体会导致进行性的异常及疾病。

    Although a low-level of aneuploidy , an abnormal number of chromosomes , may contribute to neuronal diversity , high levels of aneuploidy may result in developmental abnormalities and disease .

  17. 现年54岁、任教于华盛顿州立大学的杭特,目前致力于研究会导致先天缺陷和流产的受精卵中非整倍体(染色体数目异常)。

    For her part , the54-year-old Hunt , now at Washington State University , focuses on aneuploidy , or an abnormal number of chromosomes in eggs that causes birth defects and miscarriages .

  18. 秋水仙碱处理过的芒果材料,生长抑制解除后,细胞有丝分裂发生大量异常,表现为细胞染色体数目异常,中期染色体粘连,出现后期和末期染色体桥、落后染色体及末期微核。

    Resuming growth from restraints by colchicines , mitosis abnormalities , including chromosome number abnormality , chromosome conglutination at metaphase , scattered and lagged chromosomes , anaphase and interphase bridge and micronuclei , were observed in mango stem meristem cells .

  19. 用间期荧光原位杂交检测卵巢癌细胞中X染色体数目的异常

    Application of Interphase Fluorescence in situ Hybridization to the Diagnosis of X Chromosomal Count Abnormality in Ovarian Carcinoma Cell

  20. 荧光原位杂交可以检测到不同类型的细胞遗传学改变,包括染色体的数目异常及染色体的复制、扩增、缺失、易位等。

    FISH can detect various types of cytogenetic alterations including aneusomy ( ie , abnormalities of chromosome copy number ), duplication , amplification , deletion , and translocation .

  21. 方法应用荧光原位杂交技术研究了50例垂体瘤间期细胞核7、8、11染色体数目的异常。

    Methods Fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) was performed using centromeric probes of chromosome 7,8 and 11 to detect chromosome numerical aberrations in 50 pituitary adenomas .

  22. 结论FISH是一种在分析CLL染色体数目和结构异常方面较为快速、准确和敏感的方法,可为CLL的研究提供较为准确的分子遗传学信息。

    Conclusion FISH is a more rapid , accurate and sensitive technique in analysis of chromosome aberrations in CLL . FISH may provide accurate information of molecular cytogenetics for CLL .

  23. 结果表明大多数病人有染色体数目和结构异常。

    Numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities were found in most patients .

  24. 长期的国内外相关研究表明,胰腺癌的染色体数目与结构异常极为复杂。

    The numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations from pancreatic cancer are very complex from the studies of past years .

  25. 结果:在无精子症与严重少精子症患者中染色体数目与结构异常发生率分别为12.6%与8.3%。

    Results : In the azoospermic and severe oligozoospermic patients , the incidences of chromosomal abnormality were ( 12.6 ) % and ( 8.3 ) % ;

  26. 染色体结构和数目异常引起的遗传病,包括染色体的重复、丢失和重排等。

    Chromosome disorder & A clinical condition caused by an abnormal chromosome constitution in which there is duplication , loss , or rearrangement of chromosomal material .

  27. 结果:发现47例染色体结构或数目异常,占受检人数的8.4%,其中常染色体异常39例,性染色体异常8例。

    Results : The results showed 47 cases had abnormal chromosome , accounting for 8 4 % of the total cases . Among them there were 39 cases of abnormal euchromosome , 8 cases of abnormal sex chromosome .

  28. 但在高癌组中查到1.6%和3.25%具有染色体数目和结构异常的细胞,与低癌组比较有非常显著的差别(P<0.01)。

    In the high risk group , 1.6 % of the cells showed numerical aberrations and 3.25 % structural aberrations , while the corresponding figurs for the low risk group were 0.5 % and 0.72 % respectively ( p < 0.01 ) .

  29. 结果:152例无精症患者中,55例的染色体结构或数目发生异常,占36.18%,其中以性染色体异常为主。

    Results : Among the 152 cases with azoospermia , abnormalities in chromosomal structure and number , which were particularly in sex chromosomes , were found in 55 ( 36.18 % ) cases .

  30. 染色体核型异常特别是染色体数目异常是早期自然流产的重要原因,在复发性流产中更重要。

    Abnormality of the chromosomal karyotype especially the abnormality of the number of chromosome is the most important reasons in early spontaneous abortion , especially in early repeat spontaneous abortion .