
yǔ wù
  • Rain and fog;misty rain
雨雾 [yǔ wù]
  • [drizzle like fog] 如雾一般的小雨

  • 雨雾笼罩了整个山城

  1. 我不哭,风和日丽终会驱散漫天雨雾!

    I don 't cry , sunny will dispel Whirling cloud !

  2. 雨雾使能见度很低。

    Rain and mist are causing poor visibility .

  3. 雨雾天气下的户外场景成像

    Imaging for Outdoor Scene in Rain and Fog

  4. 雨雾中海天一色。

    Sea and sky seemed to blend .

  5. 比沙滩更远处,一座高炉高大的身影在雨雾中冷冷隐现。

    Beyond the sandbanks , the blast furnace looms cold and large through the mist .

  6. 雨雾环境下温度传感器动态特性测试方法

    Measurement Method of the Dynamic Characteristic of Temperature Probes under the Rainy and Foggy Environment

  7. 我走出屋外,踏入凉丝丝的雨雾里。细雨刚开始下,来得正好。

    I walked out into the cold , fine mist that had just begun to fall .

  8. 秋冬季雨雾中驾车安全指南

    Driving in rain and fog

  9. 我在维多利亚火车站下火车以后,给我的第一个印象是雨雾交加,人人打着雨伞。

    When I left the train at Victoria Station my first impression was of rain and fog and people with umbrellas .

  10. 解释了雨雾天气输电线路电晕放电变得强烈的原因。

    It gives a good explanation of the phenomenon that HV transmission lines'corona discharge becomes very tense in rain and fog .

  11. 实验台系统主要由三部分构成:雨雾发生器、轴流压气机、气水分离器。

    The system is mainly composed of three parts : a rain / fog generator , an axial compressor and an air / water separator .

  12. 本文设计的天线采用右旋圆极化结构,将其应用到海事卫星通信中能抑制雨雾干扰和抗多径反射。

    The designed antenna in this thesis is right-hand circular polarized , we apply it in the maritime satellite communications to inhibit the rain and fog interference and multi-path reflection .

  13. 这种检测方式存在以下弊端:第一、对于地上站台,受雨雾天气影响严重。

    This detection method has the following drawbacks : Firstly , for the ground stations , this method will be affected by rain and fog weather easily to loose its function .

  14. 桃花依然红艳,春雨浇灌,它更是晶莹剔透,可桃花林深处却是雨雾朦胧,难见空隙。

    Peach is still Hongyan , spring rain watering , it is crystal clear , it is rain and fog can obscure depths of Tao Hualin , long and almost invisible gap .

  15. 河道岸坡失稳破坏是一种几乎存在于世界上所有江河的自然现象,水位骤降、暴雨和泄洪雨雾、船行波等作用是引发岸坡失稳破坏的主要因素。

    Slope deformation and failure is a kind of natural phenomena present in almost all the rivers in the world . Rapid drawdown , torrential rain and atomized rain , ship wave are the main factors that lead to slope deformed or unstable .

  16. 在对重庆雾进行天气学分类基础上,利用合成方法分析了几次典型辐射雾和雨雾的环流形势、流场特征以及雾的垂直环流结构,揭示出两类雾的形成原因。

    Based the classification of fogs in Chongqing , the circulation patterns , streamline field features and the vertical circulation structures during several typical radiation and water fog events were analyzed by using of a composite method . The formation causes of the two types of fogs were studied .