
yǔ diǎn
  • raindrop
雨点 [yǔ diǎn]
  • [raindrop] 从云中落下的水滴

  • 雨点下得更密

雨点[yǔ diǎn]
  1. 你们像雨点一般从天边落下。

    You like the raindrop falling from the fringe of sky .

  2. 他们国家的货币叫做普拉,也叫雨点。

    The national currency is called the Pula or raindrop ...

  3. 他在遭到雨点般的击打时护住了自己的脸。

    He covered his face as the blows rained down on him .

  4. 我们听见雨点噼里啪啦地打在房顶上。

    We heard the rain spattering on the roof .

  5. 我感觉掉雨点了。

    I felt a few spots of rain .

  6. 雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。

    The rain lashed at the window .

  7. 雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。

    The rain lashed at the windows .

  8. 雨点啪哒啪哒地敲击着窗子。

    Rain pattered against the window .

  9. 雨点啪啦啪啦打在窗户上。

    Rain splashed against the windows .

  10. 火箭炮、迫击炮和各种炮弹如雨点般落在大楼上。

    Rockets , mortars and artillery rounds rained on buildings .

  11. 他凝视着雨点溅落在玻璃上。

    He stared at the rain spattering on the glass

  12. 他隐约记得雨点打在坚实地面上的情景。

    He had a vague impression of rain pounding on the packed earth .

  13. 雨点拍打着窗玻璃。

    The rain was beating on the windowpanes .

  14. 雨点开始落下来了。

    Spots of rain had begun to fall

  15. 当投掷物雨点似的落到我们头上时,警察只是袖手旁观。

    The police just stood by and watched as the missiles rained down on us .

  16. 他向上指着屋顶,透过这里可以听见雨点嘀嘀嗒嗒落个不停。

    He pointed up to the roof , through which the steady drumming of rain could be heard

  17. 战斗激烈进行时,枪弹密如雨点。

    While the battle raged , the bullets flew thick as hail .

  18. 快关窗户,别让雨点潲进来。

    Close the window quickly lest the raindrops ( should ) slant in .

  19. 雨点敲打在窗户上。

    The rain was driving against the windows .

  20. 雨点儿打在窗户上啪嗒啪嗒直响。

    The rain pattered against the windows .

  21. 拳头雨点般地落在他身上。

    Blows rained down upon him .

  22. 阵阵温热的雨点拍打在他们脸上。

    Spurts of warm rain blew fitfully against their faces .

  23. 雨点把排气管敲得叮叮当当,把院子顶棚打得噼噼啪啪。

    Raindrops click jingly on the vent-pipes , beating cracklingly the roof of the yard .

  24. 你总是害怕大雨,就像花朵怕雨淋一样;我记得,刚开始掉雨点你就惊跳起来开溜。

    You were always afraid of a shower , Just like a flower : I remember you started and ran When the rain began .

  25. 即便是巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)布兰克创业中心(ArthurM.BlankCenterforEntrepreneurship)所在地的院长也承认,很多围绕所谓“内部创业”的说辞都是雷声大、雨点小。

    Even the president of Babson College , home of the Arthur M. blank Center for entrepreneurship , acknowledges that much of the rhetoric around so-called intrapreneurs promises more than it delivers .

  26. 如果你像我一样热爱自己的工作,那么当你身处康沃尔(Cornwall)的小别墅里,雨点打在屋顶的时候,做点工作似乎没什么不好。

    If , like me , you enjoy your job , there seems nothing wrong with doing a little of it as the rain pelts down on the roof of a cottage in Cornwall .

  27. 那个人耸起肩膀躲避重重落下的雨点。

    The man was hunching his shoulders against the pounding rain .

  28. 雨点聚集在他的浓眉上,模糊了他的视线。

    Raindrops gathered his thick lashes and blurred Ross 's vision .

  29. 分裂的碎片如雨点般落在方圆250英里的地面上。

    The debris from the disintegration rained across A250 mile stretch .

  30. 火花像雨点般落在受了惊吓的观众身上。

    Sparks from the fire rained down on the frightened spectators .