
  1. 我国季风气候区广大,雨热同期对农作物、树木、牧草的生长和成熟有利;

    China monsoon climate zones vast rain thermal year to crops , trees , pasture growth and maturity benefit ;

  2. 河北省是华北平原的一部分,四季分明,雨热同期,土地肥沃,具有发展植棉业的良好自然条件。

    Hebei Province is part of the North China Plain , with four distinct seasons , rain and heat over the same period , fertile land , with the development of good natural conditions of Cotton Industry .

  3. 特别是在胸径、材积生长的高峰期正值该地区7、8、9三个月的雨热同期,有利于油松的生长发育。

    The growing peak in breast-height diameter and volume coincides with three months ' heat and rain corresponding period & July , August and September , which is conducive to the growth and development of Chinese pine . 4 .