
xū qiú qū xiàn
  • demand curve
  1. 每一家企业都将面临需求曲线的下滑。

    Each firm will face a downward-sloping demand curve

  2. 克里斯o麦克马洪(ChrisMcMahon)通过电子邮件发送亲爱的麦克马洪:忘掉需求曲线吧;

    Chris McMahon , by e-mail Dear Mr McMahon , Forget the demand curve ;

  3. 由于实际GNP在1974年仅仅轻微下滑,实际货币需求曲线仅仅微小幅度左移。

    Because real GNP fell only slightly in1974 , the demand curve for real money shifted only slightly to the left .

  4. 借助于SPSS软件进行数据处理,拟合得出全国各地游客对厦门岛东部海岸的旅游娱乐需求曲线,并计算出总消费者剩余。

    With the aid of SPSS software , a demanding curve on tourist recreation along the eastern coast of Xiamen Island was matched and the total consumer surplus was calculated .

  5. 因此,本文分析了几种不同需求曲线形状下单边效应的大小,包括线性需求、等弹性需求、选择模型与Logit需求模型。

    Therefore , it makes the size of unilateral effects with different sharps of the demand curves , including linear demand , isoelasticity of demand , choice models and Logit demand models .

  6. 在书中,安德森概述了需求曲线末端销量较低的产品潜藏的利润,并警告“二八定律”(80/20rule),也就是粗略假设20%的产品产生80%的销售额的定律将“部分失效”。

    In the book , he outlined the potential profit lurking in low-volume items at the end of the demand curve and warned that the 80 / 20 rule - the crude assumption that 20 per cent of products account for 80 per cent of sales - would " lose its bite . "

  7. 但当前使用的能力-需求曲线法尚存在一些问题。

    The method of capacity - demand curves can solve the problem .

  8. 需求曲线的转动是消费行为的改变。

    And rotating the demand curve means changing consumer behavior .

  9. 两种不同需求曲线的能力谱评价方法比较

    Comparison of capacity spectrum methods with two different demand curves

  10. 这就是所谓的“S”的形需求曲线。

    This is the so-called " S " - shaped demand curve .

  11. 以及国际贸易需求曲线的基本法则。

    The basic principles of demand curve in international trade .

  12. 消费者决策过程模型与经济学需求曲线的理论证明

    Testifying the Model of Consumer Decision Making Process and Economic Demand Curve

  13. 对需求曲线的福利意义仍有较多的争论。

    The welfare meaning of demand curves remains more controversial .

  14. 对总需求曲线斜率的量化分析&兼与梁小民教授商榷

    The quantitative analysis of the slope of aggregate demand curve

  15. 辨析关于木材需求曲线修正法的讨论

    Controversy About Discussion on Timber Demand Curve Mend Method

  16. 画出垄断者的需求曲线、边际收益曲线和边际成本曲线。

    Draw the demand , marginal-revenue , and marginal-cost curves for a monopolist .

  17. 基于性能/位移的能力-需求曲线设计方法

    Capacity-Demand Curves Method for Performance / Displacement-based Seismic Design

  18. 随机需求曲线下的供应链零售商决策与牛鞭效应

    Retailer 's Decision and Bullwhip Effect with Random Demand-curve

  19. 折断的需求曲线:传统与当代的理解

    Kinked Demand Curve : Traditional and Contemporary Interpretation

  20. 引入品牌的需求曲线及其经济学分析

    Demand Curve with Brand : an Economic Approach

  21. 基于需求曲线的容量市场定价模型研究

    Research on Demand Curve-Based Capacity Market Pricing Model

  22. 这些反常情况仅限于在需求曲线的某一部分上。

    These unusual instances will be limited to a segment of the demand curve .

  23. 结构弹塑性地震反应分析的改进能力&需求曲线方法研究

    Improved Capacity - Demand - Diagram Methods for Estimating Seismic Deformation of Inelastic Structures

  24. 这反映了什么样的需求曲线呢?

    What sort of demand curve is that ?

  25. 该需求曲线也绘制出了边际收益。

    The demand curve also plots what is known as marginal revenue ( MR ) .

  26. 在这里,长尾文化特指需求曲线中的一种状态。

    And the long tail specifically refers to the long tail of the demand curve .

  27. 前面我们已经讨论了很多因素可以影响供给和需求曲线。

    Supply and demand curves can be affected by a number of variables as discussed earlier .

  28. 天然气供应函数与一般商品的供应函数相比具有供应曲线为阶梯型的特点,终端用户需求曲线亦然。

    Gas supply functions in a staircase manner , in the same manner as terminal demand .

  29. 解释买者的支付意愿,消费者剩余和需求曲线之间如何关联。

    Explain how buyers'willingness to pay , consumer surplus , and the demand curve are related .

  30. 忘掉需求曲线吧;这是一个关于经济盈余分配的两方谈判。

    Forget the demand curve ; this is a two-player negotiation over the division of economic surplus .