
  • 网络holmes;homs;Oliver Wendell Holmes;James Holmes;Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr
  1. 霍姆斯赛跑表现不错,获得了金牌。

    Holmes ran a fine race to take the gold medal .

  2. 霍姆斯在最后冲刺阶段和布尔梅卡齐头并进,最后获得了第二名。

    Holmes matched Boulmerka stride for stride down the home straight to finish second .

  3. 对霍姆斯来说,相似的DNA让我们跟过去和未来有着千丝万缕的联系。

    For Ms Homes , our twining DNA ties us to past and future .

  4. Facebook网站上的视频资料显示,周三,在叙利亚第三大城市霍姆斯,几十名抗议者高呼反政府口号,呼吁进行全国范围的大罢工。

    Video on a Facebook website showed scores of protesters chanting slogans against the government in Syria 's third largest city of Homs Wednesday , ing a call for a nationwide general strike .

  5. 我们的行动自由大了一点,活动人士玛丽亚哈达德(MariaHaddad)从霍姆斯通过Skype表示。

    We were able to move a bit more freely , said Maria Haddad , an activist in Homs reached via Skype .

  6. 美国临床化学协会(AmericanAssociationforClinicalChemistry)邀请霍姆斯在周一晚向3000名科学家发表90分钟的演讲,尽管一些负责组织会议的科学家提出抗议,他们主张,Theranos爆出的一系列丑闻应当使该公司失去资格。

    The American Association for Clinical Chemistry invited Ms Holmes to deliver a 90-minute talk in front of 3000 scientists on Monday night despite protests from some scientists responsible for organising the conference , who argued that a series of damaging scandals at Theranos should disqualify the company .

  7. 另有报道称,政府军在叙利亚北部以及位于中部的霍姆斯市(Homs)也动用了重型武器。

    The use of heavy weapons was also reported in the north of the country and in the central city of Homs .

  8. 组委会成员安迪•胡夫纳格尔博士(DrAndyHoofnagle)表示,他和他的几个同事“真的尽了很大努力阻止”霍姆斯来,但他们的意见被美国临床化学协会主席帕特里夏•琼斯(PatriciaJones)否决了。

    Dr Andy Hoofnagle , a member of the organising committee , said he and several of his colleagues had " fought really hard to prevent " Ms Holmes from appearing but were overruled by Patricia Jones , the AACC president .

  9. 一个久负盛名的科学组织陷入内讧,症结是邀请验血集团Theranos创始人伊丽莎白•霍姆斯(ElizabethHolmes)在该组织本周举行的年会上发表演讲的决定。至少两名协会成员威胁要辞职。

    A prestigious scientific organisation has descended into infighting over a decision to invite Elizabeth Holmes , founder of blood-testing group Theranos , to deliver a presentation at its annual conference this week , with at least two members of the association threatening to resign .

  10. 联合国举行投票仅数小时前,叙利亚政府军炮轰了霍姆斯市(Homs)部分地区,这似乎是持续11个月的民变浪潮中流血最严重的事件。

    The UN vote took place only hours after the Syrian military bombarded parts of the city of Homs , in what appeared the bloodiest incident yet in the 11 month-old uprising .

  11. 尽管表面上出现平静,但人们仍普遍对停火的持久性表示怀疑。据活动人士报告,在停火将要生效的前一天,政府军仍在猛烈炮击霍姆斯(Homs)。

    With activists reporting heavy shelling of Homs the day before the ceasefire was due to take effect , there is widespread scepticism about its durability , in spite of the apparent quiet .

  12. 叙利亚军警昨天对动荡的中部城市霍姆斯(Homs)的反对派占领区域加紧攻击。同时美国以安全为由关闭在大马士革的使馆,英国则召回驻叙利亚大使。

    Syrian security forces intensified their assault on opposition areas in the restive central city of Homs yesterday , as the US closed its embassy in Damascus citing security reasons and Britain recalled its top envoy .

  13. 霍姆斯的比较教育问题法探析

    A Look into Brian Holmes ' Problem Approach of Comparative Education

  14. 霍姆斯在文章中语气轻松随便。

    Holmes used an informal , chatty tone in his essays .

  15. 然而,霍姆斯指出,最迫切需要援助的是巴基斯坦。

    But Holmes notes the most dramatic need is in Pakistan .

  16. 笔者从三个方面对霍姆斯作出评价。

    The writer makes an evaluation to Holmes in three aspects .

  17. 霍姆斯既不是怪胎,也不是隐士。

    Mr Holmes is not a weirdo or a recluse .

  18. 翻译学的目标与结构&霍姆斯的译学构想介评

    Objectives and Organization of Translation Studies Structure of Translation Studies

  19. 其中一位是世界最年轻的女性亿万富翁伊丽莎白・霍姆斯。

    One is the worlds current youngest female billionaire , Elizabeth Holmes .

  20. (声音-炮击霍姆斯视频中的爆炸声)

    ( sound - explosions from video of Homs shelling )

  21. 生活是绘画,不是做算术。&霍姆斯

    Life is painting a picture , not doing a sum . & O.W.Holmes

  22. 信誉扫描是一项新功能的霍姆斯。

    Reputation Scan is a new feature for Holmes .

  23. 大量平民被困在遭受围攻的城市中,与外界隔绝,这些城市就包括霍姆斯市。

    Scores of civilians are largely cut off in besieged cities include Homs .

  24. 在霍姆斯已经满目疮痍,政府的轰炸依然在无情的进行着。

    In Homs , already so devastated , the government bombardment is unrelenting .

  25. 霍姆斯小组与美国教师教育改革

    The Holmes Group and Teacher Education Reform in USA

  26. 他们认为,协会邀请霍姆斯是为了炒作。

    They believe the association invited Ms Holmes in order to generate publicity .

  27. 分析人士称,霍姆斯的辩护律师将会围绕精神状况做出辩护。

    Analysts say Holmes 's defense will dominate the arguments over his insanity .

  28. 霍姆斯说,苏丹目前短缺9亿1千6百万美元,这是历来最大的数字。

    Holmes says Sudan is running the biggest shortfall of $ 916 million .

  29. 据称视频展示了炮弹落在霍姆斯市的情景。

    The video is said to show shells falling on the city of Homs .

  30. 一周前,在城市霍姆斯的停火协议生效。

    A week ago , a truce took effect in the city of Homs .