
  • 网络middle income countries;MICS
  1. 中等收入国家正以比最贫困或是最富裕的国家更快的速度飞速发展。

    The MICs are growing faster than either the poorest or the richest states .

  2. 当然,中等收入国家现在转向了私人借贷机构,后者并不将贷款同建议挂钩。

    Naturally , the MICs now turn to private lenders , who do not tie money to advice .

  3. 在低收入及中等收入国家,大约十分之九的人们生活在经常经历着室外空气污染达到危险程度的地方。

    Around 9 in 10 people in low-and middle-income countries live in places where they regularly experience dangerous levels of outdoor air pollution .

  4. 重庆市南岸区三次产业结构形态步入工业化进程II期,相当于“下中等收入国家”水平。

    The third industry structure of Nanan District of Chongqing has entered the II period of industrialization , which equals to the level of middle-income countries .

  5. 中国预算在其整体经济规模中所占比重仅相当于其他中等收入国家的三分之二、相当于欧盟(EU)的二分之一。

    The budget as a proportion of the size of the economy is only two-thirds that of other middle income countries , and half that of European Union .

  6. ibrd的客户是中等收入国家,能够在资本市场上得到私人部门的资金。

    IBRD clients are middle-income states with access to private capital markets .

  7. Levin和Dollar认为,最近十年,最多的援助流入了中等收入国家。

    In the last decade , Levin and Dollar say the largest amount of aid has gone to middle income countries .

  8. 2008年我国人均GDP超过3000美元,历史证明这个阶段是中等收入国家能否完成产业升级步入高收入国家的敏感阶段,也是挑战最严峻的时期。

    Per capita GDP of China exceeded 3000 US $ in 2008 . History has shown that this sensitive and challenging stage is crucial for the middle-income countries to enter the rank of high-income countries .

  9. UNITAID缓解了这种担忧,它说低收入国家和中等收入国家都将受益。

    UNITAID allayed the fears , saying that both low and middle income countries would benefit .

  10. 下任总裁(尤其是如果这位总裁是拉加德的话)欠穷国与中等收入国家许多债,更好的IMF高层招聘程序便是其中之一。

    A better recruitment process for the top IMF leadership will be one of the many things the next managing director will owe to poor and middle-income countries , especially if it is Ms Lagarde .

  11. Lule说,诸如博茨瓦纳等中等收入国家在应对艾滋病过程中投入了大量财力、物力和人力。

    Middle-income countries such as Botswana have invested considerable amounts in their response to AIDS , says Lule .

  12. 随着全球经济复苏,中等收入国家的资金流入水平迅速回升,尽管iif表示,未来几年内这股升势可能放缓。

    Inflows to middle income countries had recovered sharply along with the global economy , though the IIF said the rise was likely to slow in coming years .

  13. 哥斯达黎加在中等收入国家中排名第一,据EIU分析,这一结果部分得益于该国广泛的志愿者系统为公共服务提供了很多支持。

    Costa Rica ranks top among middle-income countries , thanks in part to extensive volunteer networks that support public services , according to the EIU .

  14. 华盛顿移民政策研究所的Newland女士表示,贫穷和中等收入国家的移民浪潮规模庞大,但又“绝对可以理解”。

    Ms Newland of the Migration Policy Institute in Washington , DC , says the flows between poor and mid-income countries are huge but " desperately understudied " .

  15. 国际复兴开发银行(IBRD,即世界银行集团支持有信誉的中等收入国家的机构)的需求也迅速增加了。

    Demand has also grown rapidly at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( IBRD ), the part of the World Bank Group that supports creditworthy low and middle-income countries .

  16. 但是Rohland说,越南确实面临实现其在2010年之前达到中等收入国家水平的目标所带来的挑战。

    However Rohland says Vietnam does face challenges in realizing its goal to achieve middle income country status by2010 .

  17. GaryGiovino:“烟草对发达国家的医疗体系构成了巨大的负担,在不远的将来,这样的情况将在低收入和中等收入国家也会出现。”

    GARY GIOVINO : " Tobacco contributes an enormous burden to the health care system in developed countries , and that scenario will play out in the not-too-distant future in low - and middle-income countries . It already has in many countries -- in India , for example . "

  18. 在为本次展览开幕式筹备的过程中,Reinikka曾表示,她希望本次展览的很多参观者都能对非洲中等收入国家的情况有更为深刻的了解。

    Reinikka , who was on hand to launch the opening of the exhibit , expressed hope that the many people who view it will come away with a much greater understanding of middle-income countries in Africa .

  19. 低收入和中等收入国家中最贫穷者受影响最大。

    The poorest people in low-and middle-income countries are affected most .

  20. 中国开始从低收入国家逐渐步入中等收入国家的行列。

    China is starting stepping from lower-income nation into medium-income nations .

  21. 中等收入国家的两个组别也遭到了严重的打击。

    Two groups of middle-income countries were also hard hit .

  22. 心血管病为何是低收入和中等收入国家的发展问题?

    Why are cardiovascular diseases a development issue in low-and middle-income countries ?

  23. 现在低收入和中等收入国家承受的这类疾病负担最重。

    Low-and middle-income countries now bear the greatest burden from these diseases .

  24. 这里的中等收入国家的雪球三人一起蹲在我的桌子上。

    Here 's the trio of Snowball mics perched together on my desk .

  25. 全面发展框架证明对于中等收入国家也是有效的。

    Similarly for middle-income countries , the comprehensive development framework is proving effective .

  26. 俄罗斯不再是需要从经济崩溃中复苏的国家,而是一个中等收入国家。

    Russia is a middle-income country , not one recovering from economic collapse .

  27. 这一点很重要,因为中等收入国家有能力支付来帮助他们本国的贫困人口。

    That matters because middle-income countries can afford to help their own poor .

  28. 低收入和中等收入国家的幼童发生超重情况的上升速度最快。

    Low-and middle-income countries are witnessing the fastest rise in overweight young children .

  29. 快速的经济发展使中国从一个低收入国家向中等收入国家转变。

    Rapid economic development is transforming China from a low-income to a medium-income nation .

  30. 具体来说,全球抗击慢性呼吸疾病联盟的工作重点是满足低收入和中等收入国家以及脆弱群体的需求。

    GARD focuses specifically on the needs of low-and middle-income countries and vulnerable populations .