
  • 网络Chinese mythology;chinese myth
  1. 在中国神话中,独角兽是一种吉祥之物。

    In Chinese mythology , the Licorne is an auspicious objects .

  2. 中国神话与叙事文学原型生成的关系

    The Influence of Chinese Mythology on the Formulation of Narrative Archetypes

  3. 论希腊神话与中国神话的文化异同

    The Cultural Similarities and Differences Between the Chinese And Greek myth

  4. 试析中国神话的传播方式和演进趋向

    Analysing the Spreading Ways and Developing Tendency of Chinese Fairy Tales

  5. 中国神话产生及其编创机制

    On the Emergence of the Chinese Mythology and Its Creative Foundations

  6. 论少数民族神话对建构中国神话体系的意义

    Minority Mythology Plays An Important Role In China 's Mythology System

  7. 悲情的神只&中国神话中的献祭原型

    Tragic Gods & Prototypes of " Sacrifice " in Chinese Myths

  8. 扶桑是中国神话中的神树。

    The Fusang is a mysterious tree in Chinese mythology .

  9. 此兽为中国神话中一神兽。

    This monster is one of celestial monsters in the Chinese myth .

  10. “日本出生”中国神话

    Click here for " made in Japan Chinese legend "

  11. 希腊罗马神话与中国神话的跨文化比较研究

    The Cross-cultural Comparison Study of the Greek Mythology and the Chinese Mythology

  12. 新中国神话研究的回顾与思考

    Review and Reflecting on Mythology studies in China after 1949

  13. 五帝是中国神话传说中的五个天神。

    The Five August Emperors are the five gods in Chinese legends .

  14. 一个伪命题:中国神话不如西方神话发达

    A False Proposition : Chinese Mythology Is Less than the Western Mythology

  15. 就是中国神话中修补天空的那个女娲呀?

    The Nuhuo who mended the sky in Chinese mythology ?

  16. 中国神话观念与中国古典悲剧精神

    Chinese Myth Idea and the Chinese Classic Tragedy Spirit

  17. 中国神话题材电视剧的类型叙事和美学精神

    Study on the Narrative Style and Esthetics Spirit of Chinese Myth Theme Opera

  18. 中国神话:原始文化的长子

    Chinese Myths : The Eldest Son of Primitive Culture

  19. 长江是中国神话的源泉。

    The Yangtze is the wellspring of Chinese mythology .

  20. 阴司是中国神话中管理鬼魂的地方。

    The nether world is where the souls are managed in Chinese fables .

  21. 日本与中国神话的比较&以太阳信仰为中心

    Comparison and Contrast between Japanese and Chinese Mythologies : Centered on the Sun

  22. 东西文化视野中的古希腊神话与中国神话

    Ancient Creek and Chinese Mythologies : A Cultural Comparison

  23. 中国神话史研究的若干问题

    A Number of Issues about the Study of the History of Chinese Myth

  24. 古代希腊与中国神话的异同比较

    Comparison and Contrast between Ancient Greek and Chinese Mythologies

  25. 20世纪前期海外学者中国神话传说研究述评

    Review of Chinese Mythology Research of Overseas Scholars in the Earlier 20th Century

  26. 改写中国神话

    Rewriting Chinese Myth : Amy Tan 's Creative Use of Chinese Traditional Culture

  27. 走出西方神话的阴影&论中国神话学界使用西方现代神话概念的成就与局限

    Going out of the Shadow of the Western Myth

  28. 关于中国神话传统看法

    On the View of Chinese Myth and Tradition

  29. 中国神话和古希腊神话的异同及其成因

    The Cause of the Similarities & Differences between Chinese Myth and Ancient Greece Myth

  30. “嫦娥一号”卫星得名于中国神话传说中家喻户晓的人物“嫦娥”。

    Chang'e I is named after Chang'e , a famous character from Chinese mythology .