
  • 网络Assyrian;assyrian empire;Assyria
  1. 阿淑尔巴尼帕是新亚述帝国后期一位杰出的国王,他建立了人类历史上第一座图书馆,这座图书馆不仅为后世保存下来了大量的文化财富,同时也对现代的图书馆科学做出了深远的贡献。

    Ashurbanipal was the last great king of the Assyria . He established the first library in the history that preserved the invaluable material for offspring and his library contributed to the field of library science .

  2. 再次,土地私有化动摇了亚述帝国王权的基础。

    Thirdly , land privatization shook the bases of the Assyrian monarchy .

  3. 土地私有化与亚述帝国晚期的危机

    Land Privatization and the Crises of the Late Assyrian Empire

  4. 首先,土地私有化影响到亚述帝国的财政。

    Firstly , land privatization affected the finances of the Assyrian Empire .

  5. 土地私有化导致了亚述帝国晚期的危机,削弱了亚述帝国的实力;

    Land privatization led to the crises of the Assyrian Empire , which weakened the Assyrian strength .

  6. 因此,土地私有化是亚述帝国灭亡的根本原因。

    In conclusion , land privatization was the fundamental reason of the fall of the Assyrian Empire .

  7. 在亚述帝国,土地名义上归国王所有,私人的土地所有权也得到充分的尊重。

    In the Assyrian Empire , the king was the nominal owner of all the land within the empire , although private land ownership was fully valued .

  8. 之前的各个帝国,比如亚述帝国,或者埃及帝国-,当他们战胜其他民族时,往往只是觊觎贡品。

    You see , in the previous empires , like the Assyrian Empire , or these kinds of & the Egyptian Empire , when people conquered other peoples , often all they wanted was tribute .

  9. 各种赋税是亚述帝国财政收入的主要来源,而私有化地产不负担任何赋税,因此,大规模的土地私有化是其财政出现赤字的重要原因。

    Taxes were the main revenue source of the Assyrian Empire , and the privatized estates and the people attached to these estates did not pay taxes , hence a large-scale land privatization led to financial deficits in the Assyrian Empire .