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  • subvirus
  1. CMV的卫星RNA是一种依赖其辅助病毒CMV进行复制和扩散的亚病毒因子。

    Sat-RNA of CMV is a subviral agent , which depends on its helper virus to replicate and cell to cell diffuse .

  2. 这组科学家在棚内喷洒了DDT,然后在距离棚子10米的地方释放了埃及伊蚊(Aedesaegypti,携带齐昆古尼亚病毒、登革热和黄热病的物种)。

    The researchers sprayed DDT inside the huts and released Aedes aegypti mosquitoes the species that carries Chikungunya , dengue and yellow fever ten metres away from the huts .

  3. 感染12~16h后,这些亚病毒颗粒装配上外层蛋白结构,形成直径为72nm左右的成熟的病毒粒子。

    As the infection progressed , the mature virus , which is about 72 nm in diameter produced after the subviral particles were transiently enveloped during 12 16 hours post infection .

  4. 喀拉拉邦Thiruvananthapuram地区的拉吉夫·甘地生物技术中心(RGCB)的科学家说,这种方法是此类测试中第一种能够同时检测登革热和齐昆古尼亚病毒的测试手段。

    This is the first test of its kind that can detect dengue and chikungunya viruses at once , say scientists at the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology ( RGCB ) in Thiruvananthapuram , Kerala .

  5. 本文介绍了国际病毒分类委员会第八次报告中的最新植物病毒分类系统18个科、81个属,以及亚病毒感染因子的类病毒和病毒卫星。

    The universal system of plant virus taxonomy including 18 families , 81 genera in the 8th ICTV report was introduced .

  6. 印度南方喀拉拉邦的一场齐昆古尼亚病毒暴发促使科学家开发出了一种新的诊断测试方法,把齐昆古尼亚病毒和登革热病毒区分开来。

    An outbreak of chikungunya virus in the southern Indian state of Kerala has prompted researchers to develop a new diagnostic test to distinguish chikungunya from dengue viruses .

  7. 齐昆古尼亚病毒是东南亚和太平洋地区正在出现的一个问题,2006年它在印度洋的留尼旺岛大暴发,2006年至2007年在印度暴发。

    Chikungunya virus is emerging as a problem in South-East Asia and the Pacific , and caused major outbreaks on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean in2006 , and in India in2006 – 2007 .

  8. 它说这些发现为齐昆古尼亚病毒如何在缺乏典型宿主的地区导致流行提供了一种解释,而且对于病毒进入新的区域后如何传播也有重要的意义。

    It says the findings provide an explanation of how the virus caused an epidemic in an area lacking the typical host , and has important implications for how viruses can be transmitted when introduced in new areas .

  9. 亚急性病毒性脑炎的早期MRI表现

    The early MRI features of subacute virus encephalitis

  10. 禽流感H9亚型病毒WD株毒种的纯化研究

    Studies on the Purification of H_9 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus WD Strain

  11. ST亚群病毒与东南亚国家的病毒进化关系密切。

    Clade ST was found to be closely related to that of the virus from other countries in Asia .

  12. 禽流感H5N1亚型病毒感染恒河猴模型的建立及禽流感发病机制初探

    Study of Model for the Rhesus with Avian Influenza A ( H5N1 ) Viruses

  13. 结论:亚急性病毒性脑炎的早期MRI表现具有一定特征性,根据病变分布、形态及信号等特点,结合临床容易做出准确诊断。

    Conclusion Subacute virus encephalitis early MRI features had some characteristic , and final diagnosis was based on affection disposition , form , signal and clinical manifestation .

  14. 云南边境禽流感H5N1亚型病毒血凝素基因进化特征分析

    Evolutionary characteristics of hemagglutinin genes of H5N1 subtype avian influenza viruses from boundary region of Yunnan Province

  15. 目的制备禽流感H5N1亚型病毒的单克隆抗体,为相关研究提供工具。

    Objective To prepare the monoclonal antibodies specific to subtype of H5N1 avian influenza virus and offer tool for correlative researches .

  16. 检测禽流感H5亚型病毒ELISA方法的研究与应用

    Development of an Indirect Sandwich ELISA for the Detection of Avian Influenza H_5 Subtype Virus Using Anti-hemagglutinin Protein Monoclonal Antibody

  17. A(H3N2)亚型病毒的抗原性不断发生漂移。

    The antigenicity of A ( H3N2 ) subtype virus were floating continuously .

  18. 该亚群病毒主要引起髓细胞瘤,而其它外源性ALV亚群主要引起淋巴瘤。

    ALV-J most causes myeloid leukosis , while other exogenous ALVs mainly induce lymphoid leukosis .

  19. 各亚群病毒具有各自的基因特征,SX亚群病毒获得了抗金刚烷胺的耐药性。

    Different clades possess their own property of genome . SX clade acquired the resistance to amantadine and antigenic-drifted .

  20. [目的]Balb/c小鼠通过尾静脉注射和鼻腔接种禽流感H5N1亚型病毒造疾病模型,观察其血细胞变化。

    [ Objective ] Balb / c mouse was infected with Influenza A ( H5N1 ) viruses by inoculation intranasally and tail vein and the changing of blood cells was detected .

  21. 用于治疗A和B型流感病毒导致的流行性感冒,是治疗高致病性禽流感(例如H5N1亚型病毒导致的禽流感)的有效药物。

    In Switzerland in October 1999 for the treatment of influenza caused by the influenza virus A and B. Recently , 1 is also used as an efficient drug to bird influenza .

  22. 人类猫白血病C亚类病毒受体(HumanFelineLeukemiaVirusReceptor,hFLVCR)广泛表达于CD34+造血干/祖细胞、血液细胞及其他人类组织和细胞系(如K562等)。

    The human Feline leukemia virus subgroup C receptor ( hFLVCR ) generally express in hematopoietic CD34 + stem / progenitor cell , and in other human tissue and cell line ( such as K562 et al ) .

  23. 同源性比较分析得知,PB1基因序列高度保守,具有型特异性,同亚型病毒间相似率达99%。

    Homologous comparison analysis indicated that PB1 gene sequence was highly conserved , type-specific , and sharing nearly 99 % homology with that of the same avian subtype .

  24. 结论未发现H1N1亚型病毒O、D相毒株HA1区蛋白分子间有特殊氨基酸的差异。

    Their amino acid sequences were compared with those of H1N1 viruses isolated before 1995.Conclusion There is no special amino acid on HAl domain protein molecule determining the influenza A ( H1N1 ) virus with O or D phase feature was found .

  25. 荧光定量RT-PCR快速检测N2亚型流感病毒的研究

    Rapid detection of influenza virus N_2 subtype by fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR

  26. 1996~1998年中国流行的E亚型艾滋病病毒1型毒株的分子流行病学研究

    Molecular Epidemiological Study of a HIV-1 Strain of subtype E in China between 1996 and 1998

  27. H5N1亚型流感病毒双基因共表达的DNA疫苗及腺病毒载体疫苗的研究

    Study on DNA Vaccine and Adenoviral Vaccine Co-expressing Two Genes of H5N1 Influenza Virus

  28. 黄羽肉鸡J亚群白血病病毒的分子生物学特性和致病性

    Molecular Biology and Pathogenicity of Subgroup J Avian Leukosis Virus Isolated from Yellow Chickens

  29. adr亚型乙肝病毒基因组全克隆以及其表面抗原基因的次级克隆

    Cloning of Adr HBV Genome and Its Surface Antigen Gene

  30. 靶向HIV和AIV包膜蛋白跨膜亚基的病毒进入抑制剂研究

    Virus Entry Inhibitors Targeting the Envelope Glycoprotein Transmembrane Subunits of HIV and AIV