
jì shēnɡ shēnɡ wù
  • parasite
  1. 半胱氨酸蛋白酶存在于人类、寄生生物等多种动物体内。

    Cysteine protease exists in many animals including human and parasite .

  2. 关于盗梦最具有可塑性的寄生生物是什么?

    What 's the most resilent parasite ?

  3. 结果:AnnexinB1包含4个序列和结构高度相似的结构域,含有8个Ca2+结合位点,二级结构显示蛋白主要由α螺旋结构组成,具有寄生生物所特有的氨基酸残基。

    Results : Annexin B1 contained 4 typical annexin repeats , harboring 8 Ca 2 + binding sites . The secondary structure prediction showed the protein was mainly made up of alpha-helices .

  4. 自然的平衡&亚洲蜜蜂防御天敌和寄生生物

    A Natural Balance - Defence of Asian Honeybees Against Predators and Parasites

  5. 新的捕食者、寄生生物、竞争者何时能够到达?

    When will new predators , parasites and competitors also move in ?

  6. 最具有可塑性的寄生生物是什么?

    What 's the most resilient parasite ?

  7. 这就是这种极罕见的蚂蚁让科学家们所困惑的。跟冠奴蚁一样,这类蚂蚁也是一种潜入其它蚂蚁殖民地的寄生生物。

    That 's why this extremely rare species baffles scientists.Like slave-making ants , these ants are parasites that infiltrate other ants'colonies .

  8. 在自然界中,动物所面临的生存威胁主要来自于捕食者和寄生生物。

    In particular , the large and rich colonies of honeybees are a very rewarding target for a great variety of predators and parasites .

  9. 他说:“这些成果也许会帮助人们认识到需要保护整个生态系统,包括寄生生物在内,而不是仅仅保护标志性物种,如鸟类。”

    These results " may help people to think about conservation of these whole systems , including parasites , rather than just the iconic species like birds . "

  10. 本文概述了近年来抗真菌、抗寄生生物、抗原生动物、抗细菌及抗病毒的海洋天然产物及其生物活性的研究进展。

    In this paper , we make reviews for antifungal agents , antiparasitic drugs , antiprotozoal drugs , antibacterial agents and antiviral leads from marine and their bioactivity .

  11. 现在墓葬周围已经开始疯狂地长出菌类,科学家认为,寄生生物肆虐是由于墓内通风不良以及大量的游客呼吸。

    Fungus has begun to grow out of control around the tombs , and scientists believe that the parasite has flourished due to poor ventilation and the respiration of thousands of visitors .

  12. 直到时候当我能参加全球性社区,教授施避免疾病的预防措譬如寄生生物传染或疟疾,我继续为这个小村庄做着我能够做的事。

    Until a time when I can participate in the global community , teaching preventative measures to avoid diseases such as parasite infection or malaria , I continue to do what I can for this tiny village .

  13. 根结线虫的寄生菌物生物多样性

    Biodiversity of the parasitic fungi in root-knot nematode

  14. 植物寄生线虫生物防治和抗线虫基因工程综述

    Advances on Biological Control of Plant-parasitic Nematodes and Genetic Engineering of Resistance to Nematode

  15. 动物寄生线虫的生物防治研究进展

    Recent Advances in the Biological Control of Nematode Parasites of Livestock

  16. 因此,植物寄生线虫的生物防治引起了人们越来越多的重视。

    Biocontrol of plant-parasitic nematodes has therefore given rise to vast attention .

  17. 食线虫真菌作为重要的植物寄生线虫的生物防治资源,深入了解它们的侵染方式、毒力因子是了解食线虫真菌侵染的分子机理和开发高效、稳定的生物杀线虫制剂的关键。

    Nematophagous fungi are very important biocontrol resources against plant-parasitic nematodes . The information about the infection mode , virulence factor and molecular mechanism is the key to develop the efficient and stable nematicide .

  18. 微孢子虫(microsporidia)是一大群营专性细胞内寄生的真核生物的总称,能感染从无脊椎动物到脊椎动物的几乎所有动物,包括人类。

    Microsporidia are a large group of obligate intracellular eukaryotic parasites , which infect almost all animals ranging from invertebrates to vertebrates , including human .

  19. 而且Wolbachia可作为特定的载体对其宿主种群进行遗传调控,如增强寄生蜂在害虫生物防治中的作用,控制线虫引起的疾病传播。

    Wolbachia is also of interest as vectors for the modification of their host populations , in the improvement of parasitoid wasps in biological pest control , and as a new method for interfering with diseases caused by filarial nematodes .

  20. 本文综述了对螟虫长距茧蜂的研究概况,包括该寄生蜂的主要生物学习性、对玉米螟自然寄生率及田间防治玉米螟效果等。

    Studies on Macrocentrus linearis , including its biology , natural parasitic rate and the field control effect on Ostrinia furnacalis are reviewed in this paper .

  21. 目前害虫的防治方法较多,主要包括人工消灭方法、诱杀方法、树干内外施药方法、微生物方法、寄生蜂方法、生物导弹方法以及农业智能专家系统辅助方法。

    There are various control methods to the pest , including manpower , entrapment , chemical pesticide , microorganism pesticide , Trichogramma , biological guided missile and agriculture expert system .

  22. 因为叶甲和寄主关系密切,许多为专性寄生,为杂草生物防治提供了广阔的前景。随着实验技术的不断革新,人们对它的研究也日益广泛和深入,目前己迈入了分子水平。

    With the development of the technique of experiment , the research on the insects of Chrysomelidae has proceeded extensively and deeply , and now it goes to the molecular level .

  23. 猪囊尾蚴可成为研究寄生蠕虫重要的实验动物模型,而有关药物则可成为研究寄生蠕虫生物化学与分子生物学的重要研究工具。

    Cysticercus cellulosae may become an important kind of experimental model for helminth study , while drugs involved may become an important tool in biochemistry and molecular biology study of helminth .

  24. 研究结果/结论将最终在理论上进一步丰富寄主取食行为在寄生蜂行为生态学上的进化意义,并在实践上为该类寄生蜂生物防治应用提供指导。

    The results / conclusions will enrich the evolutionary significance of host feeding behaviors in behavioral ecology of parasitoid , and provide a direction for the application of the parasitoids in biological control of pests .