
xuě jiā
  • cigar;puritano
雪茄 [xuě jiā]
  • [cigar] 用烟叶卷的烟,比普通香烟粗大

雪茄[xuě jiā]
  1. 他嘴里叼着一根雪茄。

    He had a cigar clamped between his teeth .

  2. 我坐着抽雪茄。

    I sat puffing my cigar .

  3. 她得意地笑着把雪茄给贾森递了回去。

    She handed the cigar back to Jason with a self-satisfied smile .

  4. 他点了一支雪茄,吸了两口。

    He lit a cigar and puffed at it twice

  5. 他独自坐在那儿,抽着一只大雪茄。

    He was sitting alone , smoking a big cigar

  6. 他一个人坐着,抽着一支大雪茄。

    He was sitting alone smoking a big cigar .

  7. 鲍恩上尉破例允许自己每天抽一支雪茄。

    Captain Bowen permitted himself one cigar a day

  8. 你满嘴都是难闻的雪茄味。

    Your breath reeks of stale cigar smoke

  9. 这里有香槟和雪茄,但两样东西都没怎么动。

    There were glasses of champagne and cigars , but not many of either were consumed

  10. 他努力克制自己的烟瘾,不去抽一支戒掉没多久的雪茄。

    He fought with the urge to smoke one of the cigars he 'd given up awhile ago

  11. “谢罪的礼物,”罗伯茨说着递给科恩一盒雪茄。

    ' A peace offering , ' Roberts said as he handed the box of cigars to Cohen .

  12. 他点燃雪茄,深吸了一口。

    He lit his cigar and inhaled deeply .

  13. 他弹去雪茄烟烟灰。

    He flicked the ashes from his cigar .

  14. 这是上等雪茄。

    This is the first-class cigars .

  15. 地毯被雪茄烟烧坏留下的痕迹很显眼。

    The cigar burns in the rug are very eye-catching .

  16. 我爸爸给自己规定一天只抽三支雪茄烟。

    My father allows himself only three cigars a day .

  17. 他昨天给他的父亲买了一只雪茄烟烟嘴。

    He bought a cigar holder for his father yesterday .

  18. 他只抽劣质的灰色菲律宾雪茄。

    He consumed vile gray Philippine ropes .

  19. 他的身上穿着一件暗蓝马裤呢的夹袍,嘴里衔一支雪茄,走路时温文而稳重,很像是一个饱学的学者。

    Be dressed in dark and Blue Ma Ku on his body of clip tunic , title in the mouth is a cigar , while walking Wen Wen but steady heavy , is like a learned scholar very much .

  20. 戴着小圆眼镜、抽着雪茄的心理医生看上去更有洞察力吗?

    Is the psychologist wearing little round glasses and smoking a cigar more insightful ?

  21. 过了一会儿,古巴人掏出上等的雪茄分发给每个人。

    A little later , the Cuban passed around fine Havana cigars .

  22. 她那矮老公还在吸他的雪茄,喝他的蔗酒,睬也不睬她

    Her dwarfish spouse still smoked his cigar and drank his rum without heeding her .

  23. 我不吸烟,但我不反对偶尔抽一支雪茄。

    I don 't smoke cigarettes , but I 'm not averse to the occasional cigar .

  24. 他只抽了两口,就把手中的雪茄扔出了窗外。

    He took a couple of puffs3 of his and then tossed it out the window .

  25. “我们期待着来自大西洋两岸的想品尝丘吉尔最喜爱雪茄的雪茄迷们的重大投标,”C。

    " We 're expecting significant bids from both sides of the Atlantic from aficionados who 'd love to taste Churchill 's favourite cigars ," C.

  26. 玻利瓦尔皇冠(BolivarRoyalCorona),浓郁型雪茄,混合了巧克力及咖啡香调。

    Bolivar Royal Corona Richly complex with hints of chocolate and coffee .

  27. 你在jake的雪茄里下过药吗?

    Did you dose jake 's cigar ?

  28. 但CaféConstant仍是康斯坦特最喜欢的咖啡屋,他喜欢坐在酒吧间,嘴里叼着雪茄,得意地扫视自己的迷你帝国。

    But Caf é Constant remains his favourite place to perch at the bar with an unlit cigar in his mouth and survey his mini-empire .

  29. 自约翰·F·肯尼迪(JohnF.Kennedy)总统下令对古巴实行贸易禁运,至今已有53年了。这一禁令开启了美国雪茄爱好者的“黑暗时代”。

    Fifty-three years have passed since President John F. Kennedy enacted the Cuban trade embargo , ushering in a Dark Ages for American cigar enthusiasts .

  30. 乌普曼皇家罗布图雪茄(H.UpmannRoyalRobusto),以浓郁的咖啡豆香味及橡木的尾调而闻名。

    H. Upmann Royal Robusto Known for its full coffee bean flavor and oak finish .