
rǔ táng
  • lactose;milk sugar;lactin;lactobiose
乳糖 [rǔ táng]
  • [lactose] 略有甜味的右旋还原二糖C 12 H 22 O 11 ,它存在于牛奶中,在水中的可溶性小于葡萄糖或蔗糖,它水解产生葡萄糖和半乳糖,而被各种生物发酵则主要产生乳酸(如牛奶变酸),常常通过将乳清蒸发成含有一个水分子的-型硬结晶体来制取,它主要用于食品、医药和培养基中(如青霉素的制造);4--半乳-葡萄糖

乳糖[rǔ táng]
  1. 乳糖在水产品加工中的应用

    The application of milk sugar in the processing of aquatic products

  2. 碳水化合物最初是按照它们的天然来源来命名的,例如甜菜糖、甘蔗糖、葡萄糖、麦芽糖、乳糖、玉米淀粉、肝糖原、甜玉米糖原。

    Carbohydrates were first named according to their natural sources ; e.g. , beet sugar , cane sugar , grape sugar , malt sugar , milk sugar , cornstarch , liver glycogen , and sweet corn glycogen .

  3. 半乳糖酵催化半乳糖水解的一种酶

    An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of a galactoside .

  4. 答:四分之一杯牛奶含有约3克被称为乳糖的天然糖。

    A quarter-cup of milk contains about 3 grams of a natural sugar called lactose .

  5. DNA改组和筛选获得大肠杆菌乳糖操纵子超级阻遏蛋白

    DNA Shuffling and Screening for Obtaining Lactose Super - Repressor in Escherichia Coli

  6. 氧化乳糖与Fe(II)盐配合物特性

    The Compound Property of Oxidation Lactose and Fe ( II ) Salt

  7. 用HPLC法测定乳糖酸阿奇霉素注射液的含量

    Determination of Azithromycin Lactobionate Injection by HPLC

  8. 慢化探测器径向的微分响应HPLC示差折光分析法测定乳糖醇的含量

    RADIAL DIFFERENTIAL RESPONSE OF NEUTRON MODERATING DETECTOR Determination of lactitol by HPLC with refractive index detector

  9. 除木糖、乙醇和乳糖外,B菌在其它碳源上能较好生长并具有相对较强的聚磷能力。

    Strain B was found to grow better and have higher phosphorus accumulation efficiency when cultured on those carbon sources except xylose , ethanol and lactose .

  10. AG是分枝杆菌细胞壁的重要组成部分,是由聚阿拉伯糖和聚半乳糖组成的具有复杂分支结构的大分子聚糖。

    AG , consisted with arabinan and galactan , is the important component of mycobacterial cell wall .

  11. 目的:探讨结肠菌群构成与乳糖不耐受(Lactoseintolerance,LI)症状之间的关系,以及饮奶对结肠双歧杆菌数量的影响。

    Objective : To study the relationship between colonic microflora and lactose intolerance symptoms .

  12. 讨论了应用高效波相色谱(HPLC)对奶粉及调制奶粉中的乳糖、蔗糖、葡萄糖的一种快速测定方法。

    A fast method by HPLC for lactose , sucrose and glucose determination in milk powder or mixed milk powder was discussed .

  13. 简要介绍了食品的物化分析中的两种方法:DSC和X-射线衍射技术,详细介绍了这两种方法在乳糖结晶分析中的作用。

    DSC and X-ray diffraction were introduced in this paper and their application in analyzing lactose crystalline were discussed .

  14. Sung有乳糖不耐症,而且医生叫他吃低盐食物。

    Sung is lactose intolerant and his doctor put him on a low-salt diet .

  15. 五种缓冲剂对根瘤菌生长的酵母汁阿拉伯糖半乳糖培养基(YAG)低pH的缓冲作用进行了测定。

    Five buffers were examined for their ability to buffer low pH during the growth of Rhizobium in yeast extract-Arabinose-galactose medium ( YAG ) .

  16. α-氨基苄青霉素抗性转座子Tn2在E.ColiK12乳糖操纵子Z基因中的插入区域特异性

    Insertion of ampicillin resistance translocation unit TN 2 in lac operon of E. coli K12

  17. 乳糖含量与SCC呈显著负相关(P<0.001);

    The content of lactose was significantly negatively related with SCC ( P < 0.001 ) .

  18. 目的通过D半乳糖诱导小鼠衰老模型,探讨缺锌对衰老小鼠抗氧化系统和肝脏DNA损伤与修复的影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of zinc-deficiency ( ZD ) on antioxidation system and repair of DNA damage and of hepatic cells by establishing an aging mice model induced with D-galactose .

  19. 目的评估乙酰水杨酸(ASA)对半乳糖性白内障晶状体水合反应的影响作用。

    ObjectiveTo evaluate the effects of acetylsalicylic acid ( ASA ) on hydration of galactose induced cataract in rats .

  20. 结果:A,B,C,D组乳糖吸收不良发生率分别为85.0%,48.9%,2.0%和46.7%;

    RESULTS : The test showed that the incidence of malabsorption for lactose of the A , B , C , D groups was respectively 85.0 % , 48.9 % , 2 % and 46.7 % .

  21. 凡·阿尔姆西克说,骆驼奶所含的维生素C是牛奶的五倍,低脂肪、低乳糖和高胰岛素,因此很适合那些糖尿病患者和乳糖不耐症患者饮用。

    Camel milk contains five times more vitamin C than cow milk , less fat , less lactose and more insulin , making it a good option for diabetics and the lactose intolerant , Van Almsick said .

  22. 乳糖含量在泌乳末期最低,与泌乳初期差异显著(p0.05),与泌乳中期差异极显著(p0.01)。

    The lactose content was lowest in the late lactation and early lactation significantly difference ( p0.05 ), and mid-lactation was extremely significant difference ( p0.01 ) .

  23. 综述了植物多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)的种类、作用方式、作用位点、基因表达和调控模式、功能的多样性以及与其它代谢过程的关系。

    The variety , action mode , localization , gene expression and regulation , function multiformity of plant polygalacturonases are summarized .

  24. 由此法产生的名称,有如:fructose(果糖)、maltose(麦芽糖)、lactose(乳糖)、xylose(木糖)、cellulose(纤维素)等。

    Names arising in this way , for example , are fructose , maltose , lactose , xylose , and cellulose .

  25. 目的:检测国产磷酸阿奇霉素(Azithromycin)以及对照乳糖酸红霉素对临床分离致病菌的体外抗菌作用。

    Objective : To investigate the antibacterial activity in vitro of domestic Azithromycin phosphate and compare with erythromycin lactobionate .

  26. 结果表明,CA贮藏桐柏大枣对淀粉酶活性没有显著影响,但能够降低多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性低。

    The result showed that the amylase activity was not affected by CA storage , but PG activity was much lower than cold storage ( CK ) .

  27. 影响Kluyveromycesfragilisβ-D-半乳糖苷酶催化合成低聚半乳糖的因素

    Factors Affecting Galacto-oligosaccharide Synthesis by Kluyveromyces Fragilis β - D-galactosidase

  28. 难怪英国航空(britishairways)现在提供9种“特殊”餐(从素食到果盘)和11种医疗餐(从低卡路里到不含乳糖)。

    No wonder British Airways now offers nine " special " meals from vegetarian to a fruit plate and 11 medical meals from low calorie to non - lactose .

  29. 一般认为大肠杆菌RNA聚合酶合成大肠杆菌编码乳糖代谢酶(5300bp的乳糖操纵子)的基因的第一次转录要多长时间?

    How long would it take for the E.coli RNA polymerase to synthesize the primary transcript for the E.coli genes encoding the enzymes for lactose metabolism ( the5,300 base pair lac operon )?

  30. 方法:使用D半乳糖造成小鼠亚急性衰老模型,观察PCD对亚急性衰老小鼠血液和肝脏组织中超氧化物岐酶(SOD)、脂质过氧化物(LPO)的含量的影响。

    Method : The subacute aging model mice were induced by D-galactose , and investigated for the levels of SOD and LPO in serum and liver .