
nà mǐ bǐ yà
  • Namibia
纳米比亚[nà mǐ bǐ yà]
  1. 与此同时在纳米比亚上空,一个叫做“HESSII”的新式望远镜正在寻找高能光子。

    Over in Namibia , meanwhile , a new telescope called HESS II is seeking out higher-energy photons .

  2. 朱莉于2006年在纳米比亚生下希洛(Shiloh);

    Shiloh , to whom she gave birth in Namibia in 2006 ;

  3. 纳米比亚法律允许农场主射杀猎豹以保护家畜。

    Namibian law permits ranchers to shoot cheetahs to protect their livestock

  4. 纳米比亚的新国旗升到了旗杆顶上。

    The new Namibian flag was hoisted up the flagpole .

  5. 许多生活在土地贫瘠的边境地区的纳米比亚黑人农场主的收成仅够维持自身的口粮。

    Many black Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands .

  6. 当曾经的德属西南非州(GermanSouthWestAfrica)以纳米比亚的身份获得独立后,该国理智地采用英语作为官方语言,因为一个充分的理由:英语会给该国公民一个未来。

    When the one-time German South West Africa attained independence as Namibia , it sensibly adopted English as its official language , for the very good reason that it would give its citizens a future .

  7. 中国人均GDP刚过3000美元,分别是英国、美国的1/15、1/20,在世界排名第104位,排在牙买加和纳米比亚之后。

    China 's per capita GDP has just passed 3000 US dollars . UK and US are 15 to 20 times that of China . China is behind Jamaica and Namibia .

  8. 图为2010年在纳米比亚的沙漠里驾驶ATV全地形汽车。

    ATVing in the desert - Namibia , 2010

  9. 环境、野生生物与旅游部的高级野生生物官员IsaAlidi说他们怀疑这种疾病起源于安哥拉和纳米比亚的上游。

    Said they suspected that the disease originated upstream in Angola and Namibia .

  10. 《女王的绿植》节目中还会提及女王的Queen'sCommonwealthCanopy项目,通过威廉王子在加拿大,哈利王子在加勒比,安吉丽娜朱莉在纳米比亚做出的贡献。

    The Queen 's Green Planet also features Prince William in Canada , Prince Harry in the Caribbean and actress Angelina Jolie in Namibia working on the Queen 's Commonwealth Canopy projects .

  11. 其他国家对此产生了兴趣,而且我们已经着手在博茨瓦纳、莫桑比克和纳米比亚安装AFIS。

    There has been interest from other countries , and we are already working on implementing AFIS in Botswana , Mozambique and Namibia .

  12. 朱伯特是南非人,17岁参军,在纳米比亚和南非当过南非第44伞兵旅(44ParachuteBrigade)探路者部队(Pathfinderunit)指挥官。他这辈子一直习惯于发号施令。

    The South African , who joined the military at 17 and became a commander in 44 Parachute Brigade 's Pathfinder unit in Namibia and South Africa , has been used to giving orders all his life .

  13. 此次展览中,摄影师JohnHogg和ArneHoel用相机描绘了博茨瓦纳、毛里求斯、纳米比亚和南非的多样性。

    As part of the exhibit , the diversity of Botswana , Mauritius , Namibia , and South Africa is expressed through the lenses of photographers John Hogg and Arne Hoel .

  14. 今年3月,双方已达成协议,中国国有企业中广核以每股290便士的出价,收购kalahari在纳米比亚铀矿的权益。

    A deal had been agreed with the state-controlled Chinese company to acquire the Namibian uranium mining interests of Kalahari in March at 290p a share .

  15. 此后,CITES分别于2002的第十二届和2007年的第十四届缔约国大会,同意津巴布韦、纳米比亚、博茨瓦纳和南非四国一次性单向出口一定数量的生象牙,其中2002年为60吨。

    Since then , the 12th CoP of CITES in 2002 and the 14th CoP of CITES in 2007 allowed Zimbabwe , Namibia , Botswana and South Africa to export certain amount of row ivory respectively , which is 60 tons in 2002 .

  16. 根据赞比亚的政府环境和发展顾问NyambeNyambe,纳米比亚KatimaMulilo地区的渔民从10月初就开始报告鱼类身上出现严重的溃疡。

    Fishermen in Katima Mulilo , Namibia , began reporting serious sores on fish in early October , according to Nyambe Nyambe , a Zambian environment and development consultant to the government .

  17. 在地图上的小红点躺在北方的纳米比亚、拉伸从遥远的Kaokoveld(或“Kaokoland”)在遥远的西北的Caprivi在东部。

    The red dots on the map lie in the north of Namibia , stretching from remote Kaokoveld ( or " Kaokoland ") in the far north-west to the Caprivi in the east .

  18. 飞往骷髅海岸沙丘的或者在纳米比亚和Sossusvlei,在维多利亚瀑布在津巴布韦或在博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲是一个壮观,令人难忘的经历。

    A flight to the Skeleton Coast or over the dunes of the Namib and the Sossusvlei , to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe or across the Okavango Delta in Botswana is a spectacular and unforgettable experience .

  19. 采取产权阶梯的国家有纳米比亚、乌干达、坦桑尼亚和赞比亚,Augustinus说,埃塞俄比亚已以每份1美元的价格,为产权阶梯较低层的产权发放了2000万份土地证书。

    Namibia , Uganda , Tanzania and Zambia are among the countries adopting property ladders . Ms. Augustinus says Ethiopia has already provided twenty million land certificates on the lower end of the property ladder for about one dollar each .

  20. 支持津巴布韦和纳米比亚人民会议;

    Conference on support to the peoples of Zimbabwe and namibia ;

  21. 虽然说我对纳米比亚之类的地方一无所知。

    Never mind that I knew nothing about places like Namibia .

  22. 联合国纳米比亚基金信托委员会;

    Trust Committee of the United Nations Fund for namibia ;

  23. 关于独立的纳米比亚经济规划各个方面的综合文件

    Comprehensive document on all aspects of economic planning in an independent Nam

  24. 促进纳米比亚立即独立世界行动讨论会

    Seminar on World action for the Immediate Independence of Namibia

  25. 纳米比亚棉花种植加工合作大有可为

    A Rosy Future for Cooperating in Cotton Planting with Namibia

  26. 动员国际上对纳米比亚人民解放斗争的支持

    Mobilization of international support for the Namibian people 's struggle for liberation

  27. 争取津巴布韦和纳米比亚解放行动纲领

    Programme of Action for the Liberation of Zimbabwe and Namibia

  28. 过去,我们已经海运到纳米比亚和冈比亚了。

    We have shipped to Namibia and the Gambia in the past .

  29. 联合国纳米比亚理事会卢萨卡宣言;

    Lusaka declaration of the United Nations Council for namibia ;

  30. 联合国纳米比亚职业训练中心理事会;

    Governing body of the United Nations Vocational Training Centre for namibia ;