
  • 网络Navajo
  1. 我和纳瓦霍族有着很深的精神联系。

    I have a deep spiritual connection to the navajo .

  2. 包括美国最大的部落:纳瓦霍族,他们叫停了一个基因的研究。

    including the Navajo Nation , one of the largest tribes in the country -- putting a moratorium on genetic research .

  3. 所有这些纳瓦霍族新兵说着几乎同样的纳瓦霍语,但在某些特定的词汇上也有所不同。

    All the recruits spoke the same Navajo basically , but there were certain word variations .

  4. 如果没有种种土著语言,她说,美国在二战期间就不可能得到纳瓦霍族美国特工密码员的帮助。

    Without native languages , she says , the US wouldn 't have had the help of the code talkers during World War II .

  5. 吴宇森对经典战争电影的贡献,这个在二战时一位纳瓦霍族的密码携带者的故事在2002年推出时票房不佳。

    John Woo 's contribution to the war movie canon , this tale of Navajo code talkers in WWII was a financial disappointment when it was released in2002 .