
  • 网络nanotechnology;nano-technology;nano technology;nanotech;nst
  1. 纳米科技与法医DNA检验

    Nanotechnology and forensic DNA identification

  2. 纳米科技(Nanometer)环保节油装置及其机理的研究

    A Study on Environmentally Friendly Fuel-Efficient Devices by Nanotechnology and Its Mechanism

  3. 用CA数据库进行纳米科技的文献计量分析

    Literature Analysis of Nanometer Science and Technology by CA Database

  4. 随着纳米科技的发展,ZnO纳米材料在越来越多的领域得到应用。

    With the development of nanotechnology , ZnO nanostructure materials have been applied in more and more fields .

  5. 而以扫描隧道显微镜(STM)和原子力显微镜(AFM)为代表的扫描探针显微镜(SPM)是纳米科技发展的重要基础。

    SPM ( scanning probe microscope ) is the basement of the nano-technology development .

  6. STM单分子剪裁术及其应用&纳米科技专家的手术刀

    Molecular surgery with STM and its applications & A powerful tool for nanoscience and nanotechnology

  7. STM在纳米科技中的应用几例

    Applications of STM in Nanotechnology

  8. 在纳米科技领域,ZnO已经逐渐成为继碳纳米管之后在未来电子器件系统中极具吸引力的纳米材料之一。

    Therefore , in the field of nanotechnology , following carbon nanotubes , ZnO has gradually become one of the most attractive nano-materials among the potential electronic device systems .

  9. 研究背景:随着纳米科技的发展,纳米TiO2在越来越多的领域得到应用,如医药卫生、涂料、废水处理等。

    Background : With the development of nanotechnology , nano-TiO2 is applied in more and more fields , such as cosmetics , painting , and wastewater treatment .

  10. 扫描探针显微镜(SPM)是研究纳米科技的重要工具。

    In the field of nano-technology , One of the most important tools used for observation and research is Scanning Probe Microscopy ( SPM ) .

  11. 结合纳米科技的靶向MRI技术令人兴奋,它可以探测在斑块内发现的特殊物质,如巨噬细胞,金属基质蛋白酶,氧化低密度脂蛋白,细胞外基质等。

    Combined with nanotechnology , targeted MRI is an exiting technique , which can permit the detection of specific substances commonly found in vulnerable plaques , for example , macrophages , MMPs , oxidized LDL , extracellular matrix et al .

  12. 随着微电子、光电子、MEMS和纳米科技的兴起与发展,薄膜材料被越来越广泛地应用于工业生产和生活中,成为各微型器件的重要组件。

    As the rise and development of microelectronics , optoelectronics , MEMS and nanotechnology , thin film material became applied more and more widely . Thin films have already become important components of the micro devices .

  13. 文章主要阐述了MEMS的设计、加工、封装与测试等技术及其在微/纳卫星、微型飞行器、微型机器人和纳米科技战士等方面的军事应用。

    MEMS technologies , including design , fabrication , package and test , are described , along with its applications in military affairs , such as micro / nano satellites , mini-aerocrafts , mini-robots and nano-warriors .

  14. 提高作为纳米科技的眼和手的扫描探针显微镜(SPM)的测量和定位精度,是纳米仪器界始终追求的目标。

    It is an objective for nanometer instrument researcher to improve the measurement precision of scanning probe microscope ( SPM ), the eye and hand of nanometer science and technology .

  15. 自八十年代初其诞生以来,随着SPM产品的多次创新和发展,其应用更是覆盖了纳米科技、材料科学、物理、化学和生命科学等领域。

    Since its birth of 1980s , SPM has applied widely in many fields such as nanotechnology , material sciences , physics , chemistry , and life sciences with thedevelopment and innovation of SPM .

  16. 但是近年来随着纳米科技的产业化和NPs大量进入环境中,生态系统的平衡和稳定被打破,尤其是水环境遭到严重的污染和破坏。

    But in recent years , with nanotechnology industrialization and the emission of NPs into environment , ecological balance and stability have been broken , especially the water environment has been destroyed and polluted seriously .

  17. 随着MEMS及纳米科技的进步,悬臂梁探针在扫描探针显微镜、隧道传感器、微纳米加工、高密度数据存储中的应用越来越多,微纳米针尖的曲率半径及悬臂梁的性能决定着传感器的灵敏度。

    With MEMS and nanotechnology developing , the cantilever probe was used more and more in SPM , tunnel sensors , micro-nano-processing and high-density data storage . The curvature radius of the micro-nano-tip and the performance of the cantilever determine the sensitivity of the sensors .

  18. 以1996-2004年间国际纳米科技合作的SCIE数据为例,利用社会网络理论中的连续核心-边缘模型描绘国际科技合作网络。

    This paper analyzes the international scientific collaboration network ( 1996-2004 ) by the continuous core-periphery model of social network analysis . Taking SCIE data of international collaboration on nanotech research area .

  19. 如何在小型密集型系统中有效传输和辐射电磁能量已成为当今微波毫米波乃至THz技术发展面临的一个挑战。目前,纳米科技日新月异,纳米管阵列生长技术日益成熟。

    Nowadays , how to effectively realize the transmission and radiation of the electromagnetic energy in the micro-integrated systems become a challenge in microwave and THz engineering . Nowadays , with the development of nano-technology , the techniques of carbon nanotube growth are maturing .

  20. 另外对促使纳米科技发展的重要工具&扫描隧道显微镜(STM)和在STM基础上发展起来的其它扫描探针显微镜(如原子力显微镜AFM、弹道电子发射显微镜BEEM、电容显微镜等)作了简要介绍。

    Finally , some brief comments on nanometer level instruments such as scanning tunneling microscope , atomic force microscope ( including other probe microscopes such as ballistic electron emission microscope and scanning capacitance microscope ) which have helped the appearance and development of NST are presented .

  21. 纳米科技是20世纪80年代初迅速发展起来的新的前沿科研领域,它是指在0.1~100nm尺度空间内,研究电子、原子和分子运动规律及特性的高新技术学科。

    Nanotechnology is a new research field that rapidly developed at the beginning of 1980 's. It 's a new technical subject that studies the movement regularity and character of electron , atom and molecule in the range of 0.1 ~ 100nm .

  22. knutson指出:“我们需要一个实用而有效的监管体制,并有一套明确而一致的标准可为纳米科技产业的安全和创新提供长期的支持。”

    " We want a regulatory regime that 's practical and effective ," says knutson ," a clear and consistent set of parameters could go a long way in supporting a safe and innovative nanotechnology industry . "

  23. 纳米科技在内外墙涂料中的应用

    Application of Nano Technology to the Internal and External Wall Coating

  24. 纳米科技&癌症治疗新攻略

    Nanometer scale science and technology & a pioneer treatment for cancer

  25. 于是球体变成为椭球体。全球石化领域中纳米科技产业化现状

    Current industrial situation of nano technology applied in global petrochemical industry

  26. 近年来,微纳米科技方兴未艾。

    However , the recent micro-nano technology is at the ascendant .

  27. 纳米科技是一个崭新的经济增长领域。

    Nanotechnology is a major innovative scientific and economic growth area .

  28. 中国科学院在我国纳米科技研究中的作用与地位分析

    Analysis of Function and Status of CAS in National Nanotechnology Research

  29. 简述了纳米科技及纳米材料的特性。

    The nano-ST and the characteristic of manometer materials are summarized .

  30. 纳米科技·纳米经济·纳米会计

    Nm Science and Technology · Nm Economy · Nm Accounting