
  • 网络Nazi Germany;Nazi German;Nazi Deutschland
  1. 当他们听说纳粹德国已投降时,激动得又是哭又是笑。

    When they heard of the surrender of Nazi germany , they broke out in tears and laughter .

  2. 在俄罗斯人熟知的伟大的卫国战争(GreatPatrioticWar)中,纳粹德国及其盟友被称为法西斯。

    Nazi Germany and its allies were called fascists during what Russians know as the Great Patriotic War .

  3. 第二部分……n.休战根据停战协定,法国的战舰由纳粹德国掌管。

    Part 2 ...... armistice The French battleships were placed within the power of Nazi Germany in accordance with the armistice terms .

  4. 纳粹德国投降70年后,俄政府正在为其所称的伟大卫国战争(GreatPatrioticWar)筹备一场几十年来最大规模的纪念活动,包括5月9日在红场(RedSquare)举行的盛大阅兵仪式。

    Seventy years after Nazi Germany 's capitulation , Moscow is gearing up for the biggest commemoration in decades of what it calls the Great Patriotic War , with a huge military parade on Red Square on May 9 .

  5. 1935年的今天,纳粹德国采用了万十字章(卐)作为新的国旗图案。

    1935-Nazi Germany adopts a new national flag with the swastika .

  6. 试论纳粹德国的战时妇女就业动员政策

    On the Women Employment Mobilization Policy in Wartime of Nazi Germany

  7. 纳粹德国的反犹政策与1936年奥运会

    The Anti-Semitic Policy of the Nazi Germany and the 1936 Olympiad

  8. 1933年的今天,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦从纳粹德国逃往美国。

    Albert Einstein , fleeing Nazi Germany , moves to the US .

  9. 在纳粹德国时期,犹太人被当做下等人。

    In Nazi Deutschland , Jews were terminated like rats .

  10. 几个南美洲国家和纳粹德国断绝了外交关系。

    Several South American states broke off diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany .

  11. 这样的情况在卢旺达和纳粹德国也见过。

    You saw it in Rwanda and Nazi Germany too .

  12. 二战期间,法国被纳粹德国占领。

    In World War ii , France was occupied by Nazi germany .

  13. 纳粹德国时期大学教师的清洗与分化

    University teachers ' being fired and differentiated in Nazi Germany

  14. 第二次世界大战期间纳粹德国对欧洲的经济掠夺

    Nazi Germany 's Economic Plunder to Europe during the Second World War

  15. 1939年纳粹德国侵入波兰并且占领了她的大部分领土。

    1939 Nazi Germany invaded Poland and occupied most of her territory .

  16. 他意识到,他在纳粹德国没有前途。

    And he recognized that he had no future in Nazi Germany .

  17. 略论纳粹德国的政治体制

    Briefly on the political system of the Nazi Germany

  18. 纳粹德国的新闻与宣传

    The Journalism and the Propaganda of the Nazi Germany

  19. 纳粹德国的奴隶劳动制度渊源于纳粹的种族理论。

    The slave-labour system of Nazi Germany originated from its theory of racialism .

  20. 登陆活动为盟军战胜纳粹德国奠定了基础。

    The landings paved the way for the allied victory over Nazi Germany .

  21. 纳粹德国流亡科学家的洲际移转

    The Intercontinental Transference of Scientists-in-Exile from the Nazi Germany

  22. 第二次世界大战中,纳粹德国几乎吞并了整个欧洲。

    Nazi Germany nearly swallowed up the whole Europe in World War II .

  23. 信仰空心地球有一些纳粹德国的信徒。

    The belief in a hollow Earth had some adherents in Nazi Germany .

  24. 他们同纳粹德国作战长达几年。

    For many years they warred against Nazi Germany .

  25. 试析纳粹德国种族主义政策

    Analysis of the " Scientific , Legal " Policy of Racism of Nazi Germany

  26. 纳粹德国的秘密国家警察;因其恐怖的行事方法而著称。

    The secret state police in Nazi Germany ; known for its terrorist methods .

  27. 1938年9月慕尼黑危机期间,美国对纳粹德国奉行绥靖政策。

    During the Munich crisis , U.S.A. pursued the appeasement policy to Nazi Germany .

  28. (尤指纳粹德国的)集中营。

    Concentration camp ( esp in Nazi Germany )

  29. 对于大多数美国人来说,这场比赛意味着美国战胜了纳粹德国。

    To many Americans , this rematch represented the United States overcoming Nazi Germany .

  30. 它建于1995年,以纪念反纳粹德国战争胜利50周年。

    Built in 1995 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany .