
chāo jí dà ɡuó
  • superpower;superstate
超级大国 [chāo jí dà guó]
  • (1) [superpower]∶极端强大的国家;特指当世界在政治上划分为支配国和被支配国的时代的一个或极少几个支配国家

  • (2) [supercountry]∶超等强国

  1. 当前唯一的超级大国远不是一个公正的旁观者。

    The current sole superpower is far from being a disinterested observer

  2. 美国在军事和经济上都称得上是超级大国。

    The United States could claim to be both a military and an economic superpower .

  3. 超级大国承诺在武器运输方面要保持数量均衡。

    The superpowers pledged to maintain symmetry in their arms shipments .

  4. 超级大国开始着手削减核武器库这项更为艰难的工作。

    The Superpowers turned to the harder task of cutting their nuclear arsenals

  5. 他强调了超级大国合作这一更重要的议题。

    He emphasised the wider issue of superpower cooperation

  6. 迫于来自对方的强大压力,两个超级大国想要组织谈判肯定会有困难。

    Given the strength of pressure on both sides , the superpowers may well have difficulties sponsoring negotiations

  7. 在超级大国的峰会之前降低公众的期望值是个屡试不爽的策略。

    It 's a well-tried tactic to play down public expectations in advance of a superpower summit .

  8. 两个超级大国的领导人昨天在白宫的一个仪式上突然签署了一项贸易协定,令人倍感意外。

    The two superpower leaders sprang a surprise at a ceremony in the White House yesterday by signing a trade deal

  9. 这两个超级大国达成了一项协议。

    The two superpowers reached an accord .

  10. 在最近几周超级大国间的关系急剧恶化。

    Relations between the superpowers have deteriorated sharply in recent weeks .

  11. 这个小国决定同超级大国决裂。

    The small country is going to break up with the superpower .

  12. 在20世纪,国际安全面临的主要威胁是超级大国之间的冲突。

    In the 20th century the main threat to international security was superpower conflict .

  13. 联合国(un)预测,到2050年,这两国将成为人口超级大国。

    The United Nations forecasts the two nations will become population powerhouses by 2050 .

  14. 假设超级大国之间没有什么道德差别(亨利A.基辛格)

    The postulate that there is little moral difference between the superpowers ( Henry A.Kissinger )

  15. 这一点在达沃斯世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)年会上体现得尤为明显我们所质疑的这个超级大国几乎得不到充分的代表至少从出席官员的层面上讲是如此。

    This is particularly true when , as last week at the annual meeting of the world economic forum in Davos , the hyperpower in question is barely represented , at least at the official level .

  16. 然而,在我们这个MOD的开始,居鲁士仅仅只是一个部族的领袖,独自一人对抗着超级大国。

    However , at the beginning of our mod he is just a tribal leader , alone against the super powers .

  17. 前提是,法国也应同样把席位让给欧盟(EU)。不管这两国是否会展现出这种开明的政治才能(我推测是不会的),我们都正步入大陆性超级大国时代。

    Its condition would be that France does the same in favour of the European Union . Whether or not such enlightened statesmanship is forthcoming ( presumably not ), we are moving into the age of continental superpowers .

  18. Volk说,克里姆林宫现在的统治者希望增强其在政治竞技场上的超级大国野心,试图表达卢布可以担任国际扩比的角色,同时表明俄罗斯是超级大国。

    Today 's Kremlin rulers , says Volk , want to reinforce their superpower ambitions in the political arena , and the economic aspect involves showing that the ruble is capable of an international role , which would simultaneously demonstrate that Russia is a great nation .

  19. 所以,反对超级大国的霸权主义也就是维护世界和平。

    It follows that opposing superpower hegemony means preserving world peace .

  20. 不与超级大国结盟的国家。

    Countries who do not ally themselves with the super power .

  21. 直到最近,中国才崛起成为一个制造业超级大国。

    China has emerged as a manufacturing superpower only very recently .

  22. 拒绝超级大国在我们的能力范围以外。

    Saying no to a superpower is something big for us .

  23. 超级大国因各自拥有核工厂而互相制约。

    Superpowers held hostage to each other by their nuclear arsenals .

  24. 永远不做超级大国。

    China will never become a ` ` superpower ' ' .

  25. 中国现在不是、将来也不做超级大国。

    China is not , and will not be a superpower .

  26. 为越南抵挡住了超级大国以及占优势的力量。

    Vietnam for withstanding the might of a superpower and prevailing .

  27. 在军事装备上花费最多的是两个超级大国。

    The biggest spenders on military hardware are the two super-powers .

  28. 美国是唯一超级大国,她的外交政策是相互关联的。

    America is the sole superpower ; its foreign policy is interconnected .

  29. 那些小国在超级大国的庇护之下。

    Those small states are under the umbrella of the super power .

  30. 这加剧了两个超级大国间的矛盾。

    It has increased the contradictions between the two superpowers .