
  • 网络Oklahoma;University of Oklahoma
  1. 对俄克拉何马州来说,Russ仍然意味着整个世界。

    And Russ still means the world to Oklahoma .

  2. 还是俄克拉何马州凶杀案的嫌疑人。

    And suspected of murder in oklahoma .

  3. 俄克拉何马州应急管理部门(OklahomaDepartmentofEmergencyManagement)的一名发言人说,龙卷风导致至少24人死亡,其中九人为儿童。

    At least 24 people died , nine of them children , according to a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management .

  4. BradHenry,俄克拉何马州前州长有些人永远无法学到什么,其中的缘由就是他们明白世事太快了。

    Some people will never learn anything , for this reason , because they understand everything too soon .

  5. 这段Youtube视频展示了一个俄克拉何马州家庭从避难所出来的情景。

    this Youtube video shows what it looked like when one Oklahoma family came out of its shelter .

  6. 从日本NHK电视台到俄克拉何马州的切克沙镇,欢迎世界各地的观众们收看CNN学生新闻。

    From NHK TV in Japan to the city of Chickasha , Oklahoma , we welcome our viewers from all over the world .

  7. 比方说,很快就会当上参议院环境与公共事务委员会(Senate’sCommitteeonEnvironmentandPublicWorks)主席的俄克拉何马州共和党参议员詹姆斯·英霍夫(JamesInhofe),曾援引圣经经文来反驳气候变化人为论,他还说过:

    I 'll point you to Senator James Inhofe , an Oklahoma Republican soon to be the chairman of the Senate 's Committee on Environment and Public Works , who argues against man-made climate change by citing biblical verse and who said :

  8. 应急管理部门说,周一俄克拉何马州至少发生三次龙卷风,受灾地区包括俄克拉何马市、穆尔市和邓肯(Duncan),但是穆尔市受灾最为严重。

    The Department of Emergency Management said at least three tornadoes touched down Monday in Oklahoma , including in Oklahoma City , Moore and Duncan , but Moore took the hardest hit .

  9. 该公司表示,这些包是分配给位于得克萨斯州、俄克拉何马州、亚利桑那州、西维吉尼亚州、北卡罗莱那州、内华达州和肯塔基州的社区服务公司的CPI食品公司货架稳定餐包的一部分。

    The company said the packets are parts of CPI Foods shelf-stable meal kits distributed to community service companies in Texas , Oklahoma , Arizona , West Virginia , North Carolina , Nevada and Kentucky .

  10. 俄克拉何马州州长法林(MaryFallin)说,这场经历让人心碎,尤其是儿童的死亡。法林周二乘飞机在受灾社区上空巡视,她表示,由于房屋损坏和路牌被吹倒,一些区域难以辨认。

    ' It 's been a very heartbreaking experience , especially the loss of children , ' said Gov. Mary Fallin , who flew over the devastated community Tuesday , and said the destruction and downed street signs had rendered some areas unidentifiable .

  11. 俄克拉何马州最近给通用汽车公司减免税收。

    Oklahoma had recently provided tax relief for General Motors .

  12. 在俄克拉何马州所经历的真是难以置信的旅程啊。

    It 's been one heck of a journey Oklahoma !

  13. 简而言之:他让俄克拉何马州觉得自己很重要。

    To put it simply : He made Oklahoma feel like it mattered .

  14. 我将带着在这里结识的众多的友谊和无尽的感恩之心,离开俄克拉何马州。

    I ' m leaving Oklahoma with so many friends and so much gratitude .

  15. 在我游历俄克拉何马州和得克萨斯州并与那里小镇上的人交谈之后,

    So after traveling and talking to people in places like Oklahoma or small-town Texas ,

  16. 俄克拉何马州塔尔萨的一个名叫利昂?斯图亚特的男子那天正在为月亮照相。

    A man named Leon Stuart of tulsa , oklahoma , was taking pictures of the moon .

  17. 俄克拉何马州州长玛丽·佛林表示家长抱着一颗破碎的心寻找自己的孩子。

    Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin said " hearts are broken " for parents looking for their children .

  18. 就在星期一下午3点前龙卷风席卷俄克拉何马州新城附近。

    The tornado touched down near the town of New Castle , Oklahoma , just before 3 P.M Monday .

  19. 星期天,我和希拉里飞到俄市,在俄克拉何马州露天市场参加了追悼仪式。

    On Sunday , Hillary and I flew to Oklahoma City for a memorial service at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds .

  20. 这是龙卷风带,俄克拉何马州,得克萨斯州,直上到达伊利诺伊州,印第安纳州、俄亥俄州。

    That 's tornado alley , Oklahoma , Texas , all the way up to Illinois , Indiana , Ohio .

  21. 他建议俄克拉何马州的立法机关宣布马德医生无罪,并恢复他的名誉。

    He offered a proposal to the Oklahoma legislature that would declare doctor mudd 's innocence and clear his name .

  22. 在澳大利亚出生并长大,莱恩就读于俄克拉何马州邓肯的大学,获得棒球奖学金。

    Born and raised in Australia , Lane was attending college in Dunkin , Oklahoma , on a baseball scholarship .

  23. 他在俄克拉何马州一所二流的医科学校毕业后就一直在一个小镇上行医。

    He had been graduated from a second-rate medical school in Oklahoma and had practised in a small town ever since .

  24. 建于1965年在冯检,俄克拉何马州,美国,作为一个2座位轻型直升机动力之一,莱康明阁-360-b1a4缸活塞式发动机。

    Built in1965 at Frederick , Oklahoma , USA , as a2 seat light helicopter powered by one Lycoming VO-360-B1A4-cylinder piston engine .

  25. 我希望我对俄克拉何马州社区的影响不亚于俄克拉何马州对我和我的家庭的影响。

    I hope I have impacted the Oklahoma community as much as Oklahoma has made an impact on me and my family .

  26. 在俄克拉何马州一名冒险者试图打破自己创造的摩托车飞跃的最长记录,结果撞翻在地。

    One daredevil who 's attempted to break his own world record for a longest motorcycle jump ends in a crash in Oklahoma .

  27. 我父亲那边的亲戚来自阿肯色州和俄克拉何马州,他们说话时带着家乡的口音。

    Our father 's side of the family was from Arkansas and Oklahoma and they spoke with the accents native to their birth states .

  28. 路易斯安那州、俄亥俄州、俄克拉何马州和北阿拉巴霍族加入了美国联邦政府的协议。

    The states of Louisiana , Ohio , and Oklahoma , and the Northern Arapaho Tribe , joined the federal government in the agreement .

  29. 在经过阿肯色州、俄克拉何马州、得克萨斯州北部和新墨西哥州的那些大平原时,恐怖像蛇一样盘踞在我心中。

    All through the flatlands of Arkansas , Oklahoma , north Texas and New Mexico it lay like a coiled snake inside of me .

  30. 该飞机从得克萨斯州达拉斯飞往俄克拉何马州塔尔萨,将于几周后的12月29日首次进行商业客运。

    The flight from Dallas , Texas , to Tulsa , Oklahoma , comes weeks before the first commercial passenger flight on Dec. 29 .