
  • 网络Russian President;Vladimir Putin;President of Russia
  1. 我当着俄罗斯总统的面直接表达这一愿望。

    I direct these words especially at the president of Russia .

  2. 将会成为俄罗斯总统的有力候选人。

    Would be a viable candidate for president of Russia .

  3. 双方均盛赞俄罗斯总统。

    Both spoke highly of the Russian president

  4. 在世界各地,由于夏时制的开始或结束,人们的睡眠模式也发生了改变。例如,在俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京从10月26日开始将国家永久性地改为永久冬令时后,俄罗斯人每天大约晚半个小时醒来。

    Around the world , people changed sleep patterns thanks to the start or end of daylight savings time , Russians , for example , began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to " winter time " starting on October 26 .

  5. 马来西亚航空MH17航班在乌克兰上空坠毁后,澳大利亚总理阿伯特曾声称要shirtfront俄罗斯总统普京。在此之后,shirtfront一词便成为热门词汇,该中心也将该词列入备选。

    The center selected shirtfront after the word rose to prominence1 after Prime Minister Tony Abbott promised to " shirtfront " Russian President Vladimir Putin over the down of the Malaysian airline MH17 over Ukraine .

  6. 近几个月,他陪同这位俄罗斯总统去剧院看表演,在莫斯科参加二战胜利日(WorldWarIIVictoryDay)阅兵。

    In recent months , he had accompanied the Russian president to a theater performance and a World War II Victory Day parade in Moscow .

  7. 暂时而言,俄罗斯总统普京(VladimirPutin)现在似乎比西方国家技高一筹。

    For now , Vladimir Putin appears to be outsmarting the West .

  8. 但俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)到底想要什么?

    But what does President Vladimir Putin want ?

  9. 要说服俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin),抵制2018年世界杯足球赛(WorldCup)会不会比越来越长的经济制裁清单更有效?

    Could boycotting the 2018 World Cup prove more effective at persuading Russian president Vladimir Putin than an increasingly long list of economic sanctions ?

  10. 特朗普手下人员否认了《星期日泰晤士报》(SundayTimes)的一则报道,即他们告诉英国官员,计划安排特朗普在其就职后的数周内与俄罗斯总统在雷克雅未克会晤。

    Trump officials denied a Sunday Times report that they had informed British officials of plans for a summit with the Russian president in Reykjavik within weeks of the inauguration .

  11. 即将离任的俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)将出席此次峰会的部分活动。

    Vladimir Putin , outgoing Russian President , is due to attend part of the summit .

  12. 首先,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)从来没把克里米亚视为乌克兰的一部分。

    To begin with , President Vladimir Putin never considered Crimea to be part of Ukraine .

  13. 相反,制裁行动应当被视为一场持续的斗争,让俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)和市场捉摸不定。

    Instead , they should be seen as a continuous campaign that leaves President Vladimir Putin and the markets guessing .

  14. 在长达两小时的谈话中途,话题转向他与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)即将进行的会晤。

    Midway through our two-hour session , the conversation turned to his forthcoming meeting with President Vladimir Putin of Russia .

  15. 2014年1月,欧尔班赢得了俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)对该计划的100亿欧元资金支持。

    Mr Orban won € 10bn in financial backing for the scheme from President Vladimir Putin of Russia in January 2014 .

  16. 对制裁不买账的俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)继续深得民心,甚至在近几周在乌克兰变得更加咄咄逼人。

    A defiant Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to enjoy popular support , and has become even more aggressive in Ukraine in recent weeks .

  17. 按此逻辑,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(VladimirPutin)别无选择,只能吞并克里米亚及其塞瓦斯托波尔(Sevastopol)不冻港;

    So Russian President Vladimir Putin had no choice but to claim Crimea and its warm water port of Sevastopol ;

  18. 多年来,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)一再采取咄咄逼人的行为,涉及天然气、贸易、网络、信息和军事。

    For years Vladimir Putin , the Russian president , has repeatedly pursued aggression involving gas , trade , cyber , information and the military .

  19. 周五晚间,欧盟(EU)各成员国领导人敦促俄罗斯总统普京,履行俄罗斯与西方各石油公司签订的合同。目前,欧盟对俄罗斯不断收紧对能源行业的控制感到担忧。

    European leaders on Friday night pressed Vladimir Putin , Russia 's president , to honour contracts with western oil companies , amid fears in the EU over Moscow 's tightening grip on the energy sector .

  20. 目前局面也对俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)构成一大挑战,他的政权因为军事干预乌克兰,已经在艰难应对美国和欧盟的制裁措施。

    It also presents a big challenge for President Vladimir Putin , whose regime is already struggling to cope with US and EU sanctions over its military intervention in Ukraine .

  21. 虽然贝拉克-奥巴马无法准确读出俄罗斯总统DmitryMedvedev的名字,但人们并不因此而责怪他。

    BARACK OBAMA had difficulty pronouncing the name of his Russian counterpart , Dmitry Medvedev , but people forgave him .

  22. 但正如俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)所知道的,现实是他们之间有分歧,而且不确定该怎么做。普京迅速而无情的行动让西方各国领导人显得狼狈。

    The reality , as Vladimir Putin knows , is that they are divided and uncertain . The Russian president has moved with a speed and ruthlessness that has left western leaders floundering .

  23. 一年后,随着西方国家的制裁,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(VladimirPutin)宣布禁止进口来自美国和欧洲的大多数食品,包括奶酪、牛肉和海鲜。

    One year later , in the wake of western sanctions , Vladimir Putin announced Russia would ban an array of American and European food products , including cheese , beef and seafood .

  24. 庞德报告称,迪亚克曾讨论与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(VladimirPutin)达成协议,以确保被指控使用兴奋剂的9名俄罗斯运动员不参加2013年在莫斯科举行的世锦赛。

    The Pound report says Mr Diack discussed cutting a deal with President Vladimir Putin to ensure nine Russian athletes accused of doping did not compete in the 2013 world championships in Moscow .

  25. 只不过那些抗议者推翻乌克兰亲俄罗斯总统亚努科维奇(ViktorYanukovych)的时间或许稍微早了几年。

    It 's as if the protesters who ousted Ukraine 's Russia-leaning President , Viktor Yanukovych , moved a few years too early .

  26. 为争取把摔跤保留在奥运会运动项目之列,华尔街一些顶尖金融家与俄罗斯总统普京(Putin)以及伊朗总统艾哈迈迪-内贾德(Ahmadi-Nejad)联合起来。

    It is a cause that unites some of Wall Streets top financiers with the presidents of Russia and Iran the struggle to reinstate wrestling as an Olympic sport .

  27. 鲍里斯叶利钦(borisyeltsin)在成为俄罗斯总统前曾经访问美国,当他看到休斯敦的一家超级市场时,感觉眼花缭乱。

    When Boris Yeltsin , before he became Russian President , went on a trip to the US and saw a Houston supermarket , he found the experience dizzying .

  28. 近日在接受德国报刊《Welt》采访时,这位六获奥斯卡提名的演员坦言考虑过扮演俄罗斯总统。

    In a recent interview with the German newspaper Welt , the 6-time-Oscar nominated actor revealed that he could imagine himself playing the role of the Russian President .

  29. 俄罗斯总统普京近日签署了反同性恋法,限制同性恋和双性恋生活方式的推广,外国游客如果是LGBT群体也有可能被捕。

    Russian president Vladimir Putin recently signed laws banning the promotion of gay , lesbian or bisexual lifestyles and making foreign tourists who are members of the LGBT community subject to arrest .

  30. 其一是克莱尔被迫辞任联合国大使,因为弗兰克向俄罗斯总统维克多·佩特洛夫(ViktorPetrov)承诺会劝她辞职。

    One was Claire 's resignation as United Nations ambassador , which was forced upon her when Frank promised President Viktor Petrov of Russia that he would convince her to step down .