
luó sònɡ tānɡ
  • Russian beef soup;borscht
  1. 罗宋汤(Borscht),有时也拼作borsch和borshch,是一种美味的蔬菜汤,大多数情况下是用甜菜煮成。

    Borscht , which is sometimes also spelled borsch and borshch , is a lovely vegetable soup that is almost always made with beets .

  2. 罗宋汤在德国和东欧很常见的菜肴。

    Borscht is a very common dish in Germany and Eastern Europe .

  3. 冷罗宋汤在德系犹太人的烹饪传统中较常见。

    Cold borscht is common to the culinary traditions of Ashkenazi Jews .

  4. 请给我们来两份蒸肉和罗宋汤。

    Please give us two steam meat and Borsch .

  5. 但甜菜罗宋汤是最常见的一种。

    However , beet borscht is the most common form of this soup .

  6. 罗宋汤可以用烘烤过的苹果和熏鹅脯来提味。

    Borscht can be spiced up with roasted apples and smoked goose breast .

  7. 我要罗宋汤,大份加辣!

    I 'll have that , double with peeper !

  8. 罗宋汤是一种源自乌克兰浓菜汤,在东欧和中欧国家广受欢迎。

    Borscht is a popular soup of Ukrainian origin in Eastern and Central Europe .

  9. 冷罗宋汤比热罗宋汤更清淡,而且几乎只有蔬菜。

    Cold borscht is much thinner than hot borscht and is almost always vegetarian .

  10. 现在他整个肺里都是罗宋汤。

    It 's all over his lungs now .

  11. 他现在唯一的兴趣就是喝罗宋汤

    His only passion now is the borscht .

  12. 罗宋汤在东海岸很普遍,尤其在纽约。

    Borscht is most common on the east coast , especially in New York .

  13. 当然,在犹太人的传统中,罗宋汤是从来不放猪肉的。

    Of course , in the Jewish tradition , borscht is never made with pork .

  14. 罗宋汤是俄国甜菜根和包心菜汤,他向他的女朋友解释。

    " Borsch is Russian beetroot and cabbage soup ," he explained to his girlfriend .

  15. 你的罗宋汤免钱给我都不喝。

    I can eat in the restaurant for free and I still don 't eat there .

  16. 事实上,在纽约市,有几十家餐馆供应自家所制的罗宋汤。

    In fact , in New York City , there are dozens of diners that serve homemade borscht .

  17. 此外,马铃薯也可能是罗宋汤的主料,而甜菜根则是第二主料。

    In some countries tomato may occur as the main ingredient , while beetroot acts as a secondary ingredient .

  18. 这是典型的俄罗斯罗宋汤,是冬天最佳的汤品,喝了会全身热烘烘的。

    This is typical Russian borscht , and it 's the best dish in winter . It makes me warm inside .

  19. 冬天是喝汤的季节,在寒冷的冬夜,喝一碗热乎乎的罗宋汤是保暖的好方法。

    Winter and soup go together , eating a bowl of hot borscht is an excellent way to warm up on a cold winter night .

  20. 卡内基熟食店以它的三层三明治和名人主顾而闻名遐迩,那里也供应全美最美味的罗宋汤。

    While the Carnegie Deli is famous for its triple-decker sandwiches and celebrity clientele , it also serves some of the best borscht in the country .

  21. 如果你恰好在大苹果(纽约的别称)寻觅美味的罗宋汤,一定要去卡内基熟食店。

    If you happen to find yourself in the Big Apple with a hankering for delicious borscht , be sure to take yourself to the Carnegie Deli .

  22. 冷罗宋汤是美国最常见的一种罗宋汤,因为最初犹太移民带来的就是这种。

    Cold borscht is the most common type of borscht served in the United States , because it was this type of borscht that Jewish immigrants brought with them .

  23. 尽管罗宋汤在美国不像鸡汤面条和番茄汤一样受欢迎,但它很常见,尤其是在犹太人聚居的大型社区。

    Although it is not as popular as chicken noodle or tomato soups , borscht is common in the United States , especially in areas with large Jewish communities .

  24. 也有一些版本的罗宋汤不使用甜菜:比如用番茄可以做出橙色的罗宋汤,还有一种绿色的用酸模做成的罗宋汤。

    There are some versions of borscht made without beets . There is an orange borscht , which is made with tomatoes , and a green borscht , which has a sorrel base .

  25. 我们有一位厨师曾认为,罗宋汤和咖喱鸡都是上海菜,但罗宋汤来自白俄罗斯,咖喱鸡则来自英国。

    We had a cook once who thought that borscht and curried chicken were Shanghainese but the former arrived with the White Russians and the second with the British .