
xuě bào
  • snow leopard;snow panther
雪豹 [xuě bào]
  • [snow leopard;snow panther] 中亚细亚高山上的一种花纹出色的大型猫科动物( Felis uncia ),在灰白色又长又密的皮毛上,夏季有不规则的黑褐色斑纹,冬季变得几乎纯白(雪豹的学名是 Panthera uncia ,中国西南、西北的山区也产)

雪豹[xuě bào]
  1. 这片地区是濒临灭绝的雪豹的栖息地

    Any of several felines , such as the cheetah or the snow leopard .

  2. 插入雪豹启动CD到您的DVD驱动器和引导,从它。

    Insert Snow leopard Boot CD to your DVD Drive and boot from it .

  3. 雪豹生活在海拔高的地区。

    Snow leopards live at high altitudes .

  4. 基于粪便DNA的青海雪豹种群遗传结构初步研究

    A preliminary study on the population genetic structure of snow leopard ( Unica unica ) in Qinghai Province utilizing fecal DNA

  5. 没有安装目前的版本“雪豹”操作系统(SnowLeopard)的用户将另外支付30美元来下载最近的更新。

    Users without the current version , Snow Leopard , will have to pay an thirty dollars to download the new release .

  6. 去年8月,微软竞争对手苹果公司(Apple)发布了新的雪豹(SnowLeopard)操作系统。和雪豹一样,Windows7更多的是一款改进产品,而非革命之作。

    Like the new Snow Leopard operating system released in August by Microsoft 's archrival , Apple , Windows 7 is much more of an evolutionary than a revolutionary product .

  7. 另外苹果还在周五发布了雪豹服务器版,不过他们并没有说明为什么最终放弃了ZFS文件系统,当初在雪豹服务器版的开发过程中苹果曾考虑加入颇受好评的ZFS文件系统。

    Apple also released Snow Leopard Server on Friday , but was unable to detail the reasoning behind dropping ZFS support for the operating system , a much-touted feature during the development stage .

  8. 尽管苹果大肆吹嘘自己进行了大量改进——它自称“改良”了组成OSX的1000多个“项目”中的90%——但蒙斯特称雪豹为“较小的升级……没有太多重要的新功能”。

    Despite the long list of improvements Apple is touting - it claims to have " refined " 90 % of the more than 1000 " projects " that make up the OS X - Munster describes Snow Leopard as " a minor upgrade ... without many significant new features . "

  9. 不出所料,苹果公司(Apple)的旗舰Macintosh操作系统的最新升级——MacOSX雪豹(SnowLeopard)——将自8月28日起以此前宣布的29美元的价格开始发售。

    Snow Leopard : Apple 's $ 66 million OS As expected , the latest update to Apple 's ( AAPL ) flagship Macintosh operating system - Mac OS X Snow Leopard - is going on sale Aug. 28 for the previously announced price of $ 29 .

  10. 这项赠款计划的目的是支持教育、研究、或满足需要查明雪豹生存策略(slss)的自然保护项目。

    This grants program is designed to support education , research , or conservation projects on snow leopards that meet the needs identified in the Snow Leopard Survival Strategy ( SLSS ) .

  11. 岩羊(Pseudoisnayaur)和北山羊(Caprasibirica)作为全球濒危物种雪豹(Unciauncia)的主要捕食动物,同时也是重要的国际狩猎物种,其种群数量及分布特征一直是人们比较关注的问题。

    As the main prey of endangered Snow leopard ( Uncia uncia ) and the important international hunting species of China , the population and distribution of Blue sheep ( Pseudois nayaur ) and Ibex ( Capra sibirica ) has always been more concern .

  12. 在洛杉矶首次露面了一对罕见的雪豹。

    An LA debut for a rare pair of snow leopards .

  13. 大家管雪豹叫“幽灵猫”

    They call the snow leopard the " ghost cat . "

  14. 雪豹是世界上居住的海拔最高的猫科动物

    The snow leopard is the world 's highest-living big cat .

  15. 那有只雪豹就在山脊里

    There 's a snow leopard . Right in this ridge .

  16. 雪豹原产于亚洲的深山里。

    Snow leopards are native to remote mountains in Asia .

  17. 雪豹灭绝的可能性迫在眉睫。

    The very real possibility of Snow Leopard extinction looms .

  18. 这片地区是濒临灭绝的雪豹的栖息地。

    They are home to the critically endangered snow leopard .

  19. 雪豹伪装得很好,行踪诡秘,很少能够看到。

    Well camouflaged and highly elusive , snow leopards are seldom seen .

  20. 雪豹栖息地选择研究初报

    Preliminary Study on the Habitat Selection of Uncia uncia

  21. 雪豹饲养与繁殖的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the rearing and breeding of ounce , Panthera uncia

  22. 他说他要去拍雪豹厉害吧

    He said he wants to photograph snow leopards . How about that ?

  23. 研究人员还无法确定野生雪豹的数量。

    Researchers can 't say how many snow leopards remain in the wild .

  24. 上周他还写了一篇关于另一种稀有物雪豹的文章。

    And last week , he wrote about another animals the rare snow leopard .

  25. 不管是雪豹,猫,狗熊。

    Be it ounce or cat or bear .

  26. 到本世纪末,雪豹的栖息地将有2/3不复存在。

    By the end of the century , two-thirds of its habitat will have disappeared .

  27. 狮子;豹;雪豹;美洲虎;老虎;印度豹;剑齿虎。

    Lions ; leopards ; snow leopards ; jaguars ; tigers ; cheetahs ; saber-toothed tigers .

  28. 成年雪豹重约60-120磅,从鼻子到尾巴,共约39-51英尺长。

    Adults weigh between 60 and 120 pounds and measure 39-51 inches from nose to tail .

  29. 雪豹是一个很难研究的物种,而且它们伪装得很完美。

    Snow leopards are a really hard species to study and they are So perfectly camouflaged .

  30. 印度东北部避暑胜地大吉岭的一家动物园中,濒临灭绝的雪豹坐在自己的围栏里。

    An endangered snow leopard sits inside its enclosure at a zoo in Darjeeling , India .