
  • 网络SHERRY;Sherry Wine
  1. 我们有杜松子酒、威士忌酒和雪莉酒。你要喝哪一种?

    We have gin , whisky and sherry ; which will you have ?

  2. 没有甜味的雪莉酒和樱桃酒两种都很受我们客人喜爱。

    A Dry Sherry and Kirsch are both very popular with our guests .

  3. 杰克的父亲藏有大量葡萄酒和雪莉酒。

    Jack 's father has laid down a large stock of port and sherry .

  4. 雪莉酒和马提尼酒是加度葡萄酒。

    Sherry and Martini are fortified wines .

  5. 强化酒&加了烈性酒的葡萄酒,如波特酒和雪莉酒。

    Fortifying-By the addition of wine-spirit , e.g. , to Port and Sherry in the making .

  6. 九个老年妇女坐在角落里,喝着小杯的雪莉酒。

    A few old women were sitting in a corner , drinking tiny glasses of sherry .

  7. 我舅舅的酒量很大。杰克的父亲藏有大量葡萄酒和雪莉酒。

    My uncle drinks much wine . Jack 's father has laid down a large stock of port and sherry .

  8. 做法繁复。这道菜也十分美味,配料包括富含鸡蛋的奶油酱、雪莉酒、蘑菇加上焗烤脆皮。

    It is also delicious , combining a cream sauce enriched with eggs , sherry and mushrooms with a gratin topping .

  9. 然后那名侍应从口袋里掏出一个香水瓶,完成了这道菜品的最后一道工序&喷点雪莉酒的香气。

    Then the waiter reached into his pocket and pulled out a perfume atomizer to add the final ingredient : aroma of Jerez .