
  • 网络Tachinid;Ptychomyia remota;Trichopoda pennipes;tachinid fly
  1. 云南甘蔗主要害虫寄蝇

    The Tachinid about Main Pests in Sugarcane of Yunnan

  2. 四川省和重庆市两地分布有寄蝇科寄蝇亚科昆虫73种。

    There are73 species of Tachininae ( Diptera : Tachinidae ) in Sichuan Province and Chongqing City .

  3. 本文记述莫干山产寄蝇10属13种,列出了主要寄主。

    This paper reports 10 genera 13 species tachinids from Mt. Mogan of Zhejiang Province and their hosts .

  4. 测定了蚕饰腹寄蝇对8种标准样品的剂量-反应,并分析了其反应阈值。

    Dose-responses of B. zebina to serial stimulus loads of 8 standard chemicals and the threshold were measured and analyzed .

  5. 报道了云南蔗区主要害虫捕食性蝽蟓和寄蝇的种类分布。

    The distribution and various kinds of tachinid about main pests in sugarcane of yunnan and its host are reported .

  6. 第三种昆虫,梳胫饰腹寄蝇,在有花外蜜腺的树上也能改善树对秋千蛾的控制。

    A third insect , the Blepharipa schineri fly , also improved its control of gypsy moths on trees with extrafloral nectaries .